released this
20 Jan 11:47
Major changes
#14248 - Support JBang dev mode
Complete changelog
#14267 - Stop systematically creating a cache with an empty name
#14255 - Prevent Jackson serialization from resulting in an erroneous chunked transfer-encoding
#14252 - Apply tiny polish to Hibernate Reactive CDI producer
#14250 - Handle non-default general log min-level
#14248 - Support JBang dev mode
#14247 - Fix warning in native mode when using bootstrap config
#14245 - Fix concurrency modification exception in Reactive Messaging tests
#14244 - Dev console fixes and layout improvements
#14243 - Apply minor polish to RESTEasy Reactive code
#14241 - Rename RESTEasy Reactive SPI module to spi-deployment
#14238 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.15.61 to 2.15.62
#14237 - Bump quarkus-http-websockets-jsr from 3.0.17.Final to 3.0.18.Final
#14233 - "Unrecognized configuration key" regression in 1.11.0.CR1
#14231 - Remove quarkus-resteasy-reactive-spi from the runtime dependencies of the HV extension
#14229 - Log regression in 1.11.0.CR1 with native build and yaml configuration
#14226 - Qute extension methods: fix varargs handling
#14223 - Introduce declarative support for Custom Jackson Serialization
#14216 - Regression: Redirect for non-application root path does not consider root path correctly
#14215 - Dev console - various fixes and improvements
#14214 - Support JSON streaming with Multi
#14213 - Reactive routes - fix path handling for failure handlers
#14212 - Added links in the GraphQL dev console
#14210 - Run callbacks with correct TCCL
#14209 - Route path for failure handlers not honoured
#14208 - Remove deprecated cache doc information
#14205 - Improve Panache's deleteAll Javadoc
#14204 - Keycloak Admin Client in QuarkusTest*Callback
#14203 - Ensure logging-json works properly with fast-jar
#14202 - Resteasy-reactive fails to start with fast-jar and logging-json
#14200 - Make SwaggerUiBuildITem public
#14197 - Add a Google Cloud Functions HTTP codestart
#14192 - Ensure that class level exception mappers are invoked on request deserializarion exceptions
#14190 - RESTEasy Reactive Class level exception handler ignored when input is deserialized
#14187 - Bump xstream from 1.4.14 to 1.4.15
#14184 - Upgrade RESTEasy to 4.5.8.SP1
#14180 - Add public modifier to generated DevModeTest
#14179 - Some Non-Application path updates
#14177 - Add support for JUnit's @nested
#14175 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.15.60 to 2.15.61
#14171 - Fix the case where scanning is disabled and there is multiple filters
#14167 - Introduce JSON by default support RESTEasy Reactive
#14166 - quarkus-maven-plugin generates extension project with failing DevMode test.
#14165 - Update the SmallRye Reactive Messaging version to 2.7.1
#14163 - Re-enable checking the log in bouncycastle-fips-jsse
#14161 - Bump debezium-core from 1.3.1.Final to 1.4.0.Final
#14158 - Add documentation about using list of objects in @ConfigProperties
#14157 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.15.58 to 2.15.60
#14155 - Adding BC Fips and OidcClient tests to the native build, with a minor fix
#14153 - Update Sentry to 3.2.0 and adjust logic
#14149 - Fix warning when using Panache CRUD services
#14148 - Upgrade Infinispan to 11.0.8.Final
#14147 - Prevent usage of @Inject with QuarkusProdModeTest
#14146 - Improve test coverage for container-image group handling
#14145 - Failing Kafka message silently swallowed
#14144 - Adding new Quarkus config property for setting Narayana objectStoreDirPath
#14133 - Fix bug with non application endpoint redirect for root-path
#14119 - RESTEasy Reactive: implement cancel for Multi on both client and server
#14114 - UberJar includes Maven dependencies
#14109 - smallrye-health extension doesn't work when a root path is set in 1.11.0.BetaX versions
#14098 - OASFilter provided by extension not working
#14057 - Sentry integration causing Quarkus to fail at start in dev mode
#14049 - Assorted WebJarUtil fixes
#14005 - Google Cloud Functions Codestart
#13988 - Resteasy mutiny : multi subscription not cancelled if the request is cancelled from browser.
#13970 - Fix context root handling based on the builder used.
#13895 - use package-private warning when using REST Data with Panache
#13478 - HTTP Server does not support Expect: 100-continue
#11323 - @nested (Junit5) associated with @QuarkusTest causes an UnsatisfiedResolutionException
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