released this
13 Jul 18:11
Major changes
Complete changelog
#18637 - ArC decorators - fix NPE when non-default delegate qualifiers are used
#18635 - Make sure the TX is still rolled back on shutdown
#18632 - Error Build step with extension quarkus-jdbc-mssql
#18630 - OpenAPI change to use MultiMap rather than Map
#18626 - Register @parameters (completionCandidates = ...) for reflection in Picocli extension
#18625 - CLI: correct behavior of --tests and --no-tests
#18613 - Fix Throwable handling in @ServerExceptionMapper
#18610 - Put the JDBC Oracle extension with other JDBC drivers in
#18608 - Add a category to SmallRye GraphQL Client
#18603 - StackOverflowException for Throwable ExceptionMapper
#18600 - Don't require a global body handler for vertx-graphql
#18598 - Extension quarkus-vertx-graphql interferes with extension quarkus-resteasy-multipart
#18591 - Fix generated openapi if not in target folder (TRUNCATE_EXISTING)
#18590 - Register Picocli completion candidates for reflection
#18586 - Emitted OpenAPI Spec files can become corrupt when the API surface shrinks
#18582 - Fix docker check ordering
#18569 - Tests not running inside docker container in 2.0.1 (DevServices kicking in when it should not?)
#18568 - Use code instead of provides-code as extension tag
#18563 - Optimized stripping of tabs and newlines in GraphQL (micro-optimization)
#18558 - ArC - fix ordering of multiple decorators with the same priority
#18556 - devservices logs a warning when no docker daemon is running
#18554 - Replace key-location by key.location in SmallRye JWT doc
#18551 - Fix Encoding and implement Accept header requirement from spec
#18547 - Fix issue with QuarkusIntegrationTest
#18538 - NPE during build when multiple decorators have the same priority
#18537 - QuarkusIntegrationTest cannot be run with failsafe in JVM mode
#18533 - Allow injection of entire interface hierarchy when using @ConfigMapping
#18532 - Fix lambda http base64 encoding and binary types
#18524 - ConfigMapping and CDI error
#18523 - Kafka serde autodetection duplicate
#18521 - Utf-8 graphql issue with non ascii chars
#18519 - Adds [App]ArtifactKey.toGacString() method to strip the type from the string
#18514 - Make sure gradle process is terminated in tests
#18507 - mvn quarkus:test starts DevServices twice
#18503 - CORS is broken with Quarkus and http2
#18498 - Annotation class not available: @Any
#18496 - Do not stop the reflective hierarchy walk too soon
#18495 - Update to 2.0.1.Final breaks working Kafka deserializer configuration in 1.x
#18492 - Ctrl+C is broken if pressed within Transactional (Quarkus 2.0.1.Final)
#18488 - ArC - ignore static and final injection fields
#18486 - Quarkus 2.0.1: Reflective access broken for Jackson (de)serialization / inheritance/polymorphism
#18483 - Fix config value in k8s doc
#18480 - Prevent non-public classes of method params from breaking interceptor handling
#18478 - SmallRye GraphQL 1.2.8 and client configuration fixes
#18477 - Upgrade to 1.13.0.Final and above causes Cannot transform java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor as its containing application archive could not be found
#18466 - Bump jackson-bom from 2.12.3 to 2.12.4
#18461 - Adjusted ArcProxyBeanMetaDataClassNormalizer.normalize() work with to deeper hierarchies
#18457 - Multiple issues with SmallRye GraphQL Client
#18456 - Hibernate/Panache doc fixes
#18455 - Fix package of OidcTenantConfig in the documentation
#18454 - Ensure exception mappers work with CDI request scope
#18451 - Resteasy Reactive ExceptionMapper for, e.g., ClientErrorException has no active request scope
#18436 - Fix context affinity for the @ConsumeEvent annotation
#18420 - Basic registry client config builder for testing purposes
#18414 - Removed references to deprecated smallrye jwt property
#18406 - Update Jaeger reporter to use logger
#18391 - Quarkus CLI test are run even if --no-tests
is specified
#18388 - @InjectSpy and @InjectMock cause @Valid behaviour change
#18385 - Remove instantiation of com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory for JDK16+ compatibility
#18368 - Change syntax of create
#18359 - CLI: change syntax for create
#18356 - quarkus-amazon-lambda-rest: wrong base64 encoding and unable to add binary type by configuration
#18346 - Fix inconsistent behavior for quarkus.jaeger.reporter-log-spans between native/non-native
#17092 - Enable elytron-security-ldap tests on JDK 16+
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