released this
06 Jul 15:57
Complete changelog
#26558 - Set service account name only to the generated deployment
#26556 - Fix tests lifecycle instance and methods annotated with AfterAll
#26550 - Document Reactive datasource URL
#26545 - Add quarkus-jdbc-derby-deployment constraint to the BOM
#26544 - Bump Keycloak version to 18.0.2
#26542 - RestEasy Reactive: Keep target when handling failed authorization check
#26539 - Include dev mode configuration in gRPC client documentation
#26515 - Upgrade JReleaser to 1.1.0
#26508 - Stork guide minor improvements and cross linking
#26492 - Use proper header name
#26491 - Fix spring-data-jpa field lookup in parameterized superclasses and for typed fields
#26490 - Bump mariadb-java-client from 3.0.5 to 3.0.6
#26482 - Upgrade Hibernate Reactive to 1.1.7.Final
#26480 - Register build-time configured fault tolerance exceptions for reflection
#26474 - Ensure that getting server name in opentelemetry won't throw a NPE
#26467 - Properly ensure that transfer-encoding is not set when content-length exists
#26465 - Properly initialize elements from the datasource configs
#26464 - Resteasy Reactive adds transfer-encoding header though content-length is present
#26460 - Make quarkus.container-image.push=false effective in all k8s extensions
#26456 - Set remote address correctly
#26455 - [reactive-pg-client] NullPointerException in
#26441 - Fix DevMojoIT.testCapabilitiesConflict on Windows
#26440 - Bump proto-google-common-protos from 2.0.1 to 2.9.1
#26439 - Bump testcontainers.version from 1.17.2 to 1.17.3
#26437 - Bump com.gradle.plugin-publish from 0.21.0 to 1.0.0 in /devtools/gradle
#26426 - reactive-oracle-client - connection URI syntax is unclear
#26425 - Wrong update example on MongoDB with Panache and Kotlin guide
#26423 -
property is not mentioned in documentation
#26422 - Attempt to fix podman DNS issue
#26416 - Bump smallrye-common-bom from 1.12.0 to 1.13.0
#26412 - Explicitly cast provider objects for older Gradle version support
#26407 - Update mongodb-panache.adoc
#26392 - Gradle plugin incorrectly requires Gradle 6.1
#26386 - Quarkus 2.10.0 doesn't work for Simulate Amazon Lambda Deployment with SAM CLI
#26385 - Quarkus image build fails when using fake registry name with quarkus.kubernetes.deploy=true
#26371 - Fix combination of remote-dev and Jib created containers
#26358 - Propagate OpenTelemetry context to gRPC services
#26356 - Fix Span names for 404 and when Micrometer is available and disabled
#26333 - OpenTelemetry with reactive rest client not working properly
#26332 - Always create a duplicated context in OpenTelemetry when executing client requests
#26322 - Update apicurio-common-rest-client-vertx
#26222 - gRPC Context propagation does not work
#26216 - OpenTelemetry: By default high HTTP span name cardinality for HTTP server spans
#26113 - Remote-dev mode not supported with container images created with Jib extension
#26057 - smallrye-fault-tolerance ClassNotFoundException with Exceptions defined in Retry/retryOn property
#25993 - Bump apicurio-registry.version from 2.2.3.Final to 2.2.4.Final
#25812 - QuarkusTestExtension
fails to run @AfterAll
with nested test classes and per-class test instance lifecycle
#25378 - Can't hook app into Red Hat managed apicurio service
#25336 - OpenTelemetry Vertx issue - divided traces
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