released this
31 May 12:12
Complete changelog
#33536 - Add some media queries for dev ui to render better on smaller screens
#33511 - Move Status tag to footer
#33510 - Dev UI: OpenAPI - Fix paths when custom
#33477 - Dev-UI v2 fails to work with swagger-ui extension after changing its path config
#33472 - Disable non configured default OIDC tenant if TenantConfigResolver is available
#33468 - Upgrade vertx to 4.4.* to allow TLS Server certificate rotation without restarts
#33462 - Add support of signature algorithms (PSxxx, EdDSA) in quarkus-oidc
#33459 - Disable flaky OTel-GraphQL test for now
#33432 - Fix log issue with @QuarkusIntegrationTest
#33424 - Update graal-sdk to 22.3.2
#33423 - Update graal-sdk to 22.3.2 to address public known CVEs in version 22.3.0
#33416 - Update to vertx 4.4.2
#33351 - Fix blank DEV UI extension pages when loading data from Back End
#33331 - dev-ui in Q3 is log is difficult to enlarge
#33268 - Replace jboss-parent
with quarkus-parent
#33229 - Native binary run log is not visible when running tests with Quarkus main
#33120 - Do not require OIDC users disable default tenant when TenantConfigResolver is used
You can’t perform that action at this time.