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Simplify Netty unsafe build item configuration for the shaded JCTools…

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GitHub Actions / Build scans completed Jan 26, 2024 in 0s

Build scans

You will find below links to the Develocity build scans for this workflow run.


Status Name Build scan
βœ”οΈ Initial JDK 17 Build πŸ”
βœ”οΈ JVM Tests - JDK 17 πŸ”
βœ”οΈ JVM Tests - JDK 21 πŸ”
βœ”οΈ JVM Tests - JDK 17 Windows πŸ”
βœ”οΈ Maven Tests - JDK 17 πŸ”
βœ”οΈ Maven Tests - JDK 17 Windows πŸ”
βœ”οΈ Gradle Tests - JDK 17 πŸ”
βœ”οΈ Gradle Tests - JDK 17 Windows πŸ”
βœ”οΈ Devtools Tests - JDK 17 πŸ”
βœ”οΈ Devtools Tests - JDK 21 πŸ”
βœ”οΈ Devtools Tests - JDK 17 Windows πŸ”
βœ”οΈ Kubernetes Tests - JDK 17 πŸ”
βœ”οΈ Kubernetes Tests - JDK 21 πŸ”
βœ”οΈ Kubernetes Tests - JDK 17 Windows πŸ”
βœ”οΈ MicroProfile TCKs Tests πŸ”
βœ”οΈ Native Tests - Amazon πŸ”
βœ”οΈ Native Tests - AWT, ImageIO and Java2D πŸ”
βœ”οΈ Native Tests - Cache πŸ”
βœ”οΈ Native Tests - Data1 πŸ”
βœ”οΈ Native Tests - Data2 πŸ”
βœ”οΈ Native Tests - Data3 πŸ”
βœ”οΈ Native Tests - Data4 πŸ”
βœ”οΈ Native Tests - Data5 πŸ”
βœ”οΈ Native Tests - Data6 πŸ”
βœ”οΈ Native Tests - Data7 πŸ”
βœ”οΈ Native Tests - DevTools Integration Tests πŸ”
βœ”οΈ Native Tests - gRPC πŸ”
βœ”οΈ Native Tests - HTTP πŸ”
βœ”οΈ Native Tests - Main πŸ”
βœ”οΈ Native Tests - Messaging1 πŸ”
βœ”οΈ Native Tests - Messaging2 πŸ”
βœ”οΈ Native Tests - Misc1 πŸ”
βœ”οΈ Native Tests - Misc2 πŸ”
βœ”οΈ Native Tests - Misc3 πŸ”
βœ”οΈ Native Tests - Misc4 πŸ”
βœ”οΈ Native Tests - Security1 πŸ”
βœ”οΈ Native Tests - Security2 πŸ”
βœ”οΈ Native Tests - Security3 πŸ”
βœ”οΈ Native Tests - Spring πŸ”
βœ”οΈ Native Tests - Virtual Thread - Main πŸ”
βœ”οΈ Native Tests - Virtual Thread - Messaging πŸ”
βœ”οΈ Native Tests - Windows - RESTEasy Jackson πŸ”