Syndicate your posts to Mastodon instances
- Share Status, Articles, Images & Bookmarks
- Handles content warnings : use || as separator between spoiler text and status. Text will be split there.
- A photo with #nsfw in title will set to sensitive and one has to click to see it in Mastodon.
Admin page shows all Mastodon servers connected by the users.
- Multiple servers possible; something breaks at three (but who needs that much syndication?)
Still on the Todo list:
- Selective deletion of Mastodon accounts.
- Delete instance from server page.
Installation: save and rename KnownMastodon to IdnoPlugins/Mastodon
Activate under Site Configurations—Plugins
Add an account under Account Settings–Mastodon
Credits: KnownMastodon is using the Mastodon class from