Small ROS publisher to output dummy data in the form of images, pose messages, and sensor readings
Before any steps can be made towards setting up the emulator, some packages must first be installed:
sudo apt install ros-kinetic-nav-msgs ros-kinetic-geometry-msgs ros-kinetic-image-transport ros-kinetic-std-msgs ros-kinetic-mavros-msgs ros-kinetic-sensor-msgs
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ~/catkin_ws
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
roscd uavusr_emulator
git pull
cd ~/catkin_ws
roslaunch uavusr_emulator emulator.launch
Additionally, a unique UAV name can be used when launching the emulator (replace UAVNAME
with the desired name, defaults to "emulated_uav"):
roslaunch uavusr_emulator emulator.launch uav_name:=UAVNAME
Additional settings (such as position tracking speed and update rates) can be changed by editing the launch file itself (located in uavusr_emulator/launch/emulator.launch
While the emulator itself does not come with an easy interface to control the current position with, the additional ROS package contrail
can be used to perform all sorts of waypoint and tracking tasks. It is recommended that you refer to the contrail
documentation for further reference.
Some examples waypoints have been provided:
: a simple hover goaluavusr_emulator/movements/land.yaml
: a simple landing goaluavusr_emulator/movements/square.yaml
: a complex square path with changing heading
To run the waypoint tracking (replace PATHNAME
with the desired waypoints, e.g. home
roslaunch uavusr_emulator guidance.launch wp_name:=PATHNAME
Note, if you set a custom UAVNAME
, you must also specify it with uav_name:=UAVNAME
when running the waypoint guidance.
Two files can be used to test the performance of tuning parameters:
: Sets the weight of the modelsingle_motor_thrust
: Sets the thrust (N) that a single motor can generate (quadrotor X4)
: Refer to the mavel documentation for more details.
- Deploy Red Payload (std_msgs/Empty):
- Deploy Blue Payload (std_msgs/Empty):
- Autopilot State (mavros_msgs/State):
- Battery Reading (sensor_msgs/BatteryState):
- Current Position (geometry_msgs/PoseStamped):
- Current Odometery (nav_msgs/Odometry):
- Realistic Map (nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid):
- Test Map (nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid):
- Red Deployment Position (geometry_msgs/PoseStamped):
- Blue Deployment Position (geometry_msgs/PoseStamped):
- Raw Image (sensor_msgs/Image):
- Compressed Image (sensor_msgs/CompressedImage):