This module provides a log wrapper that is intended to handle logging in cloud-based backend environment.
- 1.1.0: Renamed Stackdriver -> Google Cloud Logging; this is API-breaking change.
- 1.0.0: Bumped version to 1.0.0. Fixed zap logger accumulating structured logging fields.
- 0.0.16: Added JSON formatting output hints
- 0.0.15: Added default parameters for structured logging
- 0.0.13: Argument handling bugfix, added GoDoc reference to README
- 0.0.11: Improved documentation.
Install the dependency:
go get -u
For convenience, several constructor methods are provided; see below.
Google Compute Engine (GCE) example:
func init() {
log = cloudlog.MustNewComputeEngineLogger("project-id", "MyAppLog")
This could also used for Kuhernetes.
Google App Engine (GAE) ecample:
func init() {
log = cloudlog.MustNewAppEngineLogger() // Optionally define log ID as arg
Google Cloud Functions (GCF) example:
func init() {
log = cloudlog.MustNewCloudFunctionLogger() // Optionally define log ID as arg
AWS Elastic Beanstalk / EC2 example:
logfile := "/var/log/example-app.log"
log = cloudlogging.MustNewLogger(cloudlogging.WithZap(),
The library is distributed with the MIT License.