This repo supports a presentation I gave to the fall 2023 Multivariate Density Estimation course at Rice university. It's about some software tools I wish I'd known more about in grad-school including:
- spark
- docker
- r packaging
- ray
- git/github
- sql
- automated testing
I only covered half the topics as I split it with another alumnus. The repo is an example of using spark, docker, and ray to explore the tax filings of nonprofits. Here are the main pieces:
- Run
to download the 2023 tax filings. - Use either of python/ or r/xml_benchmark.R to parse the data.
- The point of these files is to show that there are low-effort ways to greatly speed up parsing, not to be exemplary parsing code.
docker build --rm -t my_docker ./docker
docker-compose spark/docker-compose.yml up
docker exec -it spark-rclient-1 /bin/bash
The data will be in the app directory. Play with the data as desired. There are some examples in r/spark_exploration.