WeatherNow is a powerful and intuitive application that allows users to search for any city in the world and get detailed weather information. This project was developed with a special focus on testing using Jest to ensure code quality and reliability.
- Global Search: Quickly and easily search for and find weather information for any city in the world.
- Current Weather: View current weather conditions, including temperature, humidity, wind speed, and more.
- Local Time: Get the local time of the searched city to better plan your activities.
- 5-Day Forecast: Check the weather forecast for the next 5 days and plan ahead.
- 3-Hour Forecast: Access detailed forecasts every 3 hours for more precise and informed planning.
- Jest
- React
- Redux
- Styled-components
- API OpenWeatherMap
- Javascript
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©️ Developed with 💜 by Rafael Gomes