Note: This is the source code and offical API documentation for the project "Mr Fluffy Fluffs."
Mr. Fluffy Fluffs is an online ordering system meant to achieve pristine balance between quality and cheapness alongside enhancing user experience by providing user friendly interface, interactive menus, and pictorial representations of the food being ordered.
- Aiyan Tufail - Aiyan6
- Muhammad Sameer - Sameer25-py
- Mohsin Ul Islam - Mohsin-Ul-Islam
- Raahim Khan - raahimkhan
- Ramez Salman - ramzyraz
This project uses the following technologies:
- Flutter for Frontend
- Express and Node for the Backend
- MongoDB for the Database
- Provider for state management
- Complete Admin System (Menu management, Order management, Service management)
- Login and Registeration System with Forgot Password feature
- Fetching Data from API to get MENU Items
- Fetching Data from API to get Toppings
- Full featured shopping cart
- Checkout process (shipping, payment method, etc)
- User profile with orders
- LogOut System
- Product reviews and ratings