CLOG and CLOG Builder 2.1
CLOG Builder 2.1 - Now a complete Common Lisp IDE and GUI Builder (with or w/o emacs)
- Full interactive debugging in builder
- Clicking sys-browser file name, that is now a button opens the file in source-editor and finds the location in the file. Equivalent to M-.and slime-xref
- There is now a console window and support for input to stdin as dialogs, so possible to use repl for console based apps etc
- Applications launched from builder will by default pop debug messages and console on the builder page that launched the app
- (clog-builder-repl) added to give access to a graphical window with in the builder
- The source editor now uses clog-popup, what that means is that tabs or popups (configurable to use), are now slaves of your builder, so existing windows of source code will be reused and focused on even if in different windows in the browser.\
- Backtraces sent to console on errors
- OS Pseudo Shell with ANSI support
- Auto update menu option
- emacs style tabs using tab key or ctrl-t (mac)/alt-t
- REPL now has an area for working on your code with drop downs etc, default now uses a per REPL console that open with each REPL
- Eval result windows time out and close, the time is configurable for sel, form and file
- No more ECL errors on Termux, etc, tested on SBCL, CCL, and ECL
- Huge speedup for projects, projects now load "reasonably" well on windows
- Added Options -> Start SWANK Server Once to allow incoming SLIME connections
- Now Builder's main interface is the project tree.
- clog-tool:open-file open files in builder and a command line script open-file for opening files
- Replaced Dir View with Dir Tree that is similar to the project tree
CLOG Framework Additions
- with-clog-debugger - any errors that with in will use a graphical debugger in clog-gui's
- clog-tree - drop down tree control
- clog-gui-initialize - now has option to install clog graphical debugger as part of init
- clog-gui, clog-web added to clog-user for use with clog-repl
- The standard dialogs now can be set to block and return values using :time-out
- The server-file-dialog is resizable now
- New API for clog, clog:parent returns the clog object that was used to create the current clog-obj
For Windows users - Simple one click sbcl + CLOG install
For Mac, Linux and Android - I suggest using the instructions in and if need to install CL in
If you use the windows binary release here - run make.bat (or update.bat if want the latest version) and then run builder.exe
If you use the linux binary release here - run ./make (or ./update if want the latest version) and then run ./builder
If you use the mac binary release here - run ./make (or ./update if want the latest version) and then run ./builder (you may have to run sbcl once from finder as it is not signed)