Dark Hole Gateway for PM2 and socket.io
$ npm install dhgate
$ dhgate --help
Usage: dhgate [options] [command]
help Display help
init Initialize dhGate project
task Creates new task file
update After reinitialize project, it rebuilds ecosystem file
-h, --help Output usage information
-v, --version Output the version number
- initializes new project on directory "source" and listen port "1234"
$ dhgate init --src source --dist bundle --port 1234
- creates task file on root app directory with timeout equals to 2 minutes, if root directory is "app" the result wound be a file on path "app/auth/login.coffee"
$ dhgate task --name auth:login --timeout 2
$ dhgate init --help
Usage: dhgate init [options] [command]
help Display help
-d, --dist [value] app production directory (defaults to "dist")
-h, --help Output usage information
-p, --port <n> app listen port (defaults to 1337)
-s, --src [value] app source directory (defaults to "src")
-v, --version Output the version number
- initializes new project on directory "source" and listen port "1234"
$ dhgate init --src source --dist bundle --port 1234
$ dhgate task --help
Usage: dhgate task [options] [command]
help Display help
-h, --help Output usage information
-n, --name Task name in format <module>:<task>
-t, --timeout <n> Task timeout (defaults to 10)
-v, --version Output the version number
- creates task file on root app directory with timeout equals to 2 minutes, if root directory is "app" the result wound be a file on path "app/auth/login.coffee"
$ dhgate task --name auth:login --timeout 2
$ dhgate update --help
it updates ecosystem pm2 config file to load all modules in <src>/modules