This is one component in a suite that includes the Jiminy modeler and the Jiminy predictor. This Java application is designed to provide a web UI for adding movie ratings as well as retrieving movie recommendations from the predictor service. Technologies included are:
- Spring Boot
- Spring Data JPA
- Swagger UI
The application can be run in two ways:
mvn package
then java -jar target\jiminy-html-server-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
The Maven POM has the Spring Boot plugin configured so the app can also be run using:
mvn spring-boot:run
Once the application is started, point your browser to http://localhost:8778/
The UI is served as static content from the resources dir. Webpack is used to bundle the web assets into one file. If assets need to be rebundled then:
npm install
npm run build
Application configuration has been externalized to a YAML file that is read and values injected into the app via Spring annotations. Note that Spring has the capability to interpret those configuration properties as environment variables using relaxed binding. See below in s2i.
You can retrieve a Swagger UI definition from the running service. For example: http://localhost:8778/swagger-ui.html
This application can be deployed in OpenShift environments and built "on-the-fly" using source-to-image (s2i). An appropriate image builder is the fabric8/s2i-java
oc new-app fabric8/s2i-java~ \
-p APPLICATION_NAME=jiminy-html-server \
-e SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL=jdbc:postgresql://postgresql:5432/postgres \
Note to make sure the OPENSHIFT_CONFIG_PREDICTOR_URL is set for the correct route to the predictor endpoint.
oc expose svc/jiminy-html-server