Unobtrusive tabline for Neovim.
Minimal and opinionated tabline with enough features to be efficient, but doesn't draw too much attention.
- Project base-name at the left-corner
- Highlights are adapted from current colorscheme
- File-type and modified icons
- Session name at the right-corner
Use your favorite package-manager:
With lazy.nvim
dependencies = {
version = false,
config = true,
With packer.nvim
use {
requires = {
If you're using lazy.nvim, set config
or opts
property (See
Install instructions).
Otherwise, setup manually:
These are the default settings:
-- Limit display of directories in path
max_dirs = 1,
-- Limit display of characters in each directory in path
directory_max_chars = 5,
icons = {
modified = '+',
session = '',
colors = {
modified = '#cf6a4c',
numeric_charset = {'⁰','¹','²','³','⁴','⁵','⁶','⁷','⁸','⁹'},
If you are using lazy.nvim, you can use the opts
property, e.g.:
dependencies = { 'nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons' },
version = false,
opts = {
directory_max_chars = 8
- romgrk/barbar.nvim
- akinsho/bufferline.nvim
- willothy/nvim-cokeline
- rebelot/heirline.nvim
- nanozuki/tabby.nvim
- kdheepak/tabline.nvim