This module implements several scripts to do corpus format conversions usually required to train or to evaluate IXA pipes models (
- Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) conversions
- Cluster Lexicon conversions
- NAF to CoNLL conversions
- Markyt Formats conversions
- Installation
There are several parameters to convert from and to the format used in the SemEval ABSA 2014-2016 shared tasks:
- absa2015ToWFs: It converts ABSA SemEval 2014-2016 corpus to a tokenized NAF document. This function is used to obtain the evaluation set in the NAF format so that it can be annotated with ixa-pipe-opinion models for testing with the ABSA evaluation script.
- nafToAbsa2014: The opinion-annotated NAF is converted to ABSA 2014 format for evaluation with the task official evaluation script.
- nafToAbsa2015: The opinion-annotated NAF is converted to ABSA 2015 and 2016 formats for evaluation with the task official evaluation scripts.
- absa2014ToCoNLL2002: It converts the ABSA 2014 corpus into CoNLL 2002 format for training ixa-pipe-opinion models.
- absa2015ToCoNLL2002: It converts the ABSA 2015 and 2016 corpus into CoNLL 2002 format for training ixa-pipe-opinion models.
- yelpGetText: It extracts the text element from the json formatted YELP dataset.
There are several parameters to pre-process cluster lexicons obtained following the methods described in (
- brownClean: It removes paragraph from a corpus if 90% of characters are not lowercase. Argument can be a file or a directory.
- serializeBrownCluster: It serializes Brown cluster lexicons to be used to train models with ( Argument can be a file or a directory.
- serializeClarkCluster: It serializes Clark and Word2vec cluster lexicons to be used to train models with ( Argument can be a file or a directory.
- serializeEntityDictionary: It serializes ( entity dictionaries for training or tagging.
- serializeLemmaDictionary: It serializes ( lemma dictionaries.
- nafToCoNLL02: It converts NAF containing named entities layer (entities) into CoNLL 2002 format.
- nafToCoNLL03: It converts NAF containing named entities layer (entities) into CoNLL 2003 format.
- barrToWFs: It converts markyt BARR 2017 corpus to a tokenized NAF document. This function is used to obtain the evaluation set in the NAF format so that it can be annotated with ixa-pipe-nerc models for testing.
- nafToBARR: The entity-annotated NAF is converted to BARR format for evaluation with the task official evaluation scripts.
- barrToCoNLL2002: It converts the BARR corpus into CoNLL 2002 format for training ixa-pipe-ml sequence models.
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Now you need to configure the PATH. For Bash Shell:
export MAVEN_HOME=/home/ragerri/local/apache-maven-3.0.4
export PATH=${MAVEN_HOME}/bin:${PATH}
For tcsh shell:
setenv MAVEN3_HOME ~/local/apache-maven-3.0.4
setenv PATH ${MAVEN3}/bin:{PATH}
If you re-login into your shell and run the command
mvn -version
git clone
cd ixa-pipe-convert
mvn clean package
java -jar target/ixa-pipe-convert-$version-exec.jar -help
You can also generate the javadoc of the module by executing:
mvn javadoc:jar
Rodrigo Agerri
University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
E-20018 Donostia-San Sebastián
[email protected]