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Rails Charts

RailsJazz Listed on


One more gem to build nice charts for your Ruby on Rails application.

With it you can build various types of charts Apache eCharts library (v. 5.4.0). This gem simplifies interface and adding few helpers to start adding charts in your app with just a few lines of code.

What you can build with it:

In most cases with one line of code you can have a nice chart. The idea of this gem was inspired by Chartkick gem which is great and allows you to build charts very quickly. It works best in cooperation with groupdate gem. Unfortunatelly it's missing many needed types of charts or other customization options.

This implementation have more options and similar "interface" for building charts.


Add gem to your application's Gemfile:

gem "rails_charts"

Then execute:

$ ./bin/bundle install

You can install ECharts with installation command

$ ./bin/rails rails_charts:install

or do it manualy


  1. add eCharts in main JS bundle, e.g. app/assets/javascripts/application.js
//= require echarts.min.js
//= require echarts/theme/dark.js
  1. add your first chart e.g.
<%= line_chart %>
  1. customize charts if needed. See available options or official documentation.

Webpack / esbuild

  1. Run:
yarn add echarts

For Rails 7

  1. In app/javascript/application.js add this:
import * as echarts from 'echarts';
import 'echarts/theme/dark';

window.echarts = echarts;

For Rails 6

  1. In app/javascript/packs/application.js add this:
import * as echarts from 'echarts';
import 'echarts/theme/dark';

window.echarts = echarts;
  1. add your first chart e.g.
<%= line_chart %>
  1. customize charts if needed. See available options or official documentation.


  1. change config/importmap.rb
pin "echarts", to: "echarts.min.js"
pin "echarts/theme/dark", to: "echarts/theme/dark.js"
  1. add eCharts in main JS
import "echarts"
import "echarts/theme/dark"
  1. add your first chart e.g.
<%= line_chart %>
  1. customize charts if needed. See available options or official documentation.


<%= line_chart data, {
  width: '250px',
  height: '250px',
  theme: 'dark',
  class: 'chart-container-class',
  style: 'padding: 10px'
} %>

Available options:

width: specify width of the chart
height: specify height of the chart
theme: specify theme of the chart (available themes examples
class: specify container's CSS class
id: specify container's ID
style: add inline style
debug: for gem development useful if you want to pause somewhere in the code
vertical: applicable for some types of charts
code: to see output code what is generated to see the chart, useful for debugging
options: {...}, nested hash, specify additional eCharts options

Apache eCharts options -

If you need to format tooltip (or other javascript function as an option) you can pass a JS function, but you need to wrap it like:

  options: {
    tooltip: {
      valueFormatter: RailsCharts.js("(value) => '$' + Math.round(value)")


All examples available in You can see more examples if you clone this repo and start a dummy app.

Every chart has a built in default configuration for tooltips, or other options (sample This is just to simplify usage of this gem. In the future the plan is to have it configured in initializer.

Area Chart

Area Chart

<%= area_chart User.distinct.pluck(:role).map{|e| {name: e, data: User.where(role: e).group_by_day(:created_at).count} } %>

Line Chart

Line Chart

<%= line_chart, class: 'box',
  options: {
    title: {
      text: "People count by age",
      left: 'center'

Bar Chart

Bar Chart

<%= bar_chart,
  class: 'box',
  theme: 'sakura',
  options: {
    series: {
      barWidth: '50%'
    tooltip: {
      valueFormatter: RailsCharts.js("(value) => '$' + Math.round(value)")

Calendar Chart

Calendar Chart

<%= calendar_chart Commit.for_calendar_chart,
  class: 'box',
  options: {
    visualMap: {
      show: true,
      min: 0,
      max: 40,
      orient: 'horizontal'
    calendar: [{
      range: '2021',

Candlestick Chart

Candlestick Chart

<%= candlestick_chart({
    '2017-10-24' => [20, 34, 10, 38],
    '2017-10-25' => [40, 35, 30, 50],
    '2017-10-26' => [31, 38, 33, 44],
    '2017-10-27' => [38, 15, 5, 42]
  class: 'box',
  theme: 'roma',
  options: {
    xAxis: {
      axisTick: {
        alignWithLabel: true

Funnel Chart

Funnel Chart

<%= funnel_chart User.get_funnel_sample_data,
  class: 'box',
  height: '400px',
  options: {
    title: {
      text: 'Demo',
      left: 'center'

Gauge Chart

Gauge Chart

<%= gauge_chart User.get_gauge_sample_data,
  class: 'box',
  height: '400px',
  options: {
    title: {
      text: 'Demo',
      left: 'center'

Parallel Chart

Parallel Chart

<div class="box">
  <%= parallel_chart [
    [1, 2, 1, "Ruby"],
    [2, 3, 2, "JavaScript"],
    [3, 1, 3, "C#"]
  ], {
    options: {
      parallelAxis: [
        { dim: 0, name: '2019', inverse: true, minInterval: 1, min: 1, nameTextStyle: { fontSize: 16 }, axisLabel: { fontSize: 16 } },
        { dim: 1, name: '2020', inverse: true, minInterval: 1, min: 1, nameTextStyle: { fontSize: 16 }, axisLabel: { fontSize: 16 } },
        { dim: 2, name: '2021', inverse: true, minInterval: 1, min: 1, nameTextStyle: { fontSize: 16 }, axisLabel: { fontSize: 16 } },
        { dim: 3, type: "category", name: 'Language', data: ["Ruby", "JavaScript", "C#"], inverse: true, nameTextStyle: { fontSize: 16 }, axisLabel: { fontSize: 14 } },

Donut Chart

Donut Chart

<%= donut_chart,
  class: 'box',
  options: {
    legend: {
      bottom: '0'
    emphasis: {
      itemStyle: {
        shadowBlur: 10,
        shadowOffsetX: 0,
        shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'

Pie Chart

Pie Chart

<%= pie_chart,
  class: 'box',
  options: {
    legend: { orient: 'vertical', left: 'left' }

Radar Chart

Radar Chart

<%= radar_chart User.get_data_for_radar_chart,
  class: 'box',
  options: {
    legend: {
      data: ['Average Salaries', 'Maximum Salary'],
      orient: 'vertical',
      left: '20%'

Sankey Chart

Sankey Chart

<%= sankey_chart({
    data: [
      {name: 'Ruby'}, {name: 'HTML'}, {name: 'JS'}, {name: 'Good'}, {name: 'Bad'}, {name: 'CSS'}, {name: 'PHP'}, {name: 'Frontend'}, {name: 'Backend'}
    links: [
        source: 'Ruby',
        target: 'Good',
        value: 1
        source: 'HTML',
        target: 'Good',
        value: 1
        source: 'JS',
        target: 'Good',
        value: 1
        source: 'CSS',
        target: 'Good',
        value: 1
        source: 'PHP',
        target: 'Bad',
        value: 1
        source: 'Good',
        target: 'Backend',
        value: 1
        source: 'Good',
        target: 'Frontend',
        value: 3
        source: 'Bad',
        target: 'Backend',
        value: 1
  }, {
    options: {


Scatter Chart

Scatter Chart

<%= scatter_chart [
    { name: 'John', data: User.random_scatter_chart(500, 200) },
    { name: 'Bob', data: User.random_scatter_chart(500, 1000) },
    class: 'box',
    options: {
      xAxis: {
        name: 'Distance'
      yAxis: {
        name: 'Sales'
      legend: {
        data: [
          {name: 'John'},
          {name: 'Bob'},

Stacked bar Chart

Stacked bar Chart

<%= stacked_bar_chart [
    { name: 'high priority', data: Account.high_priority.group_by_month(:created_at, format: "%b %Y").count },
    { name: 'low priority', data: Account.low_priority.group_by_month(:created_at, format: "%b %Y").count }
    options: {
      title: {
        text: "Popular vs Unpopular"
    class: 'box',
    vertical: true

Custom Chart

Custom Chart

<%= custom_chart {...raw JS options ...} %>


You are welcome to contributes. Some open tasks:

  • support turbo streams?
  • add more specs
  • add more examples to the dummy app
  • customization, options overides, default values?
  • every "5sec" refresh
  • remote data
  • how to access chart from JS
  • better documentation how to specify theme, locale, etc
  • more examples with data structure
  • add github actions
  • add info about initializer and it's configuration
  • specify info about default configs per chart
  • add support for CSP similar to
  • example of how to build multiple-chart charts

Development and testing

test/dummy/bin/rails s - to start dummy app.

rspec - to run specs.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Gem is using to build charts.