Sailfish Browser is web browser for Jolla's Sailfish OS and is shipping with Jolla device. Sailfish Browser uses Sailfish Silica Qt components for the browser chrome and gecko engine with embedlite Qt5 binding. More information about the architecture can be found from
- Dmitry Rozhkov (rojkov)
- Raine Mäkeläinen (rainemak)
- Vesa-Matti Hartikainen (veskuh)
- QtMozEmbed - Qt bindings - embedlite components -
- Embedding Compontents -
- Gecko with embedlite - browser engine with embedding API -
All tools are located in source tree under tools.
Memory dump reader is a simple desktop utility for dumping and collecting memory information of the Sailfish Browser. Current version of the memory-dump-reader is a work-in-progress version.
- Change directory to the tools/memory-dump-reader
- <qmake-bin-path>/qmake
- make
Once memory-dump-reader is compiled, run it like: dumpMemoryInfo /tmp/fileName.gz ip-of-the-device
The script dumps remotely memory information of the browser and copies the dump to the desktop.
The dumpMemoryInfo
script works best when you have added your public ssh key as an authorized key of the device.
The browser is open source and licensed under Mozilla Public License v2.0 (
For more information see wiki: