Scimax is a rewrite of jmax, with lessons learned, and improvements.
See the manual for more details.
Install git ( Open a git bash terminal. Run this command.
bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
There is an emacs 25.2 binary in this repository for Windows. You should be able to run the command to launch scimax now.
Run the next command in your terminal in the location you want to install scimax. The command will make sure you have homebrew, git, and emacs installed, and then will clone scimax and tell you how to use it. It will take some time to install. You need to install your own Python and LaTeX. These days I am using Python3 from Continuum IO and MacTeX from
bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Alternatively, you can install homebrew yourself, install git from, build your emacs like this:
brew install emacs --with-gnutls --with-imagemagick --with-librsvg --with-x11 --use-git-head --HEAD --with-cocoa
Alternatively, lately I have been using emacs-plus which claims to be faster for magit and has all those options enabled by default.
brew install emacs-plus
This got me:
After that, I clone scimax like this:
git clone
and launch emacs with:
emacs -q -l scimax/init.el
Run this command. It checks for a git and emacs, but does not install them. You will have to use your package manager for that. You also need to install your own LaTeX and Python (and other languages you might want).
bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
You can use your own emacs if you have one (version 25 or more is recommended). You still have to install Python and LaTeX if you will be using those.
Clone the scimax repo where you want it.
git clone
and launch emacs with:
emacs -q -l path/to/scimax/init.el
Alternatively, add scimax to your load path in your init file and just require what you want.
(setq scimax-dir "path/to/scimax")
(add-to-list 'load-path "path/to/scimax")
It is not uncommon to have to restart emacs a few times while all the packages from MELPA are installed. Windows seems to be like that.