Open-source modules for ICRA 2019 submission "Learned Map Prediction for Enhanced Mobile Robot Exploration"
Variational Autoencoder Network for map prediction
ROS messages and services for communicating the map prediction data
Data generation and exploration evaluation programs
ROS Costmap layer for building ground truth maps from laser and pose
Fork of Stage Simulator rtvstage
Fork of hector navigation for hector exploration planner (hector_navigation)
Fork of kth_libfloorplan for parsing KTH floorplan dataset
git clone
cd map_prediction_enhanced_exploration
git submodule update --init --recursive
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -y -r
cd <stage_directory>
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j<num_jobs>
sudo make install
(Note: if you don't want the simulator to be installed in /usr/local set CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX appropriately)
cd <libfloorplan_directory>
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j<num_jobs>
make install
# this can be added to .bashrc or .zshrc
export LIB_FLOORPLAN_PATH=<libfloorplan_directory>
catkin build
cd <datasets_directory>
tar xvf KTH_CampusValhallavagen_Floorplan_Dataset.tar.bz2
rosrun stage_frontier_datagen kth_stage_node _dataset_dir:=<kth_dataset_dir> _data_record_dir:=<generated_dataset_dir>