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Repository files navigation


navi puts the navigation (aka menu) in the database. That means you and/or your users can edit and control it. It was made with WordPress' menu editor in mind.

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • navigable - this is the thing in the database, like a Page or a Category, that you've allowed to be added to the navigation (aka menu).
  • navigator - this is the record that may or may not point to the navigable item. This is a database record that represents the navigation item (menu item).
  • renderer - with all the navigables and navigators, the renderer puts it all together and creates the HTML to form the navigation.


The tests run against Rails 3.2.x and Ruby 1.9.2.

In your Gemfile:

gem 'navi'


All navigation items (aka menu items) are database entries. Thus, you should create your own model for this. By default, the model name navi looks for is nav_item, so go ahead and make it.

class NavItem < Navi::Navigator::Base
  # Yup, you don't need to put anything here since most of what you want comes from Navi::Navigator::Base
  # I'll eventually explain what you can override in the wiki.

Then, whatever you want to be able to become a navigation item in your navigation (menu), add navigable to the class, like we do to Page:

class Page < ActiveRecord::Base

With this, Page will get the following instance methods:

@page.to_navigator # initialized a new NavItem instance that can be saved into the database with a .save call on it.
@page.to_navigator! # initializes and saves the new NavItem, all in one call.

You can pass any of the following arguments, in a form of a hash, into to_navigator:

  • :label
  • :title
  • :url
  • :highlights_on
  • :parent_id
  • :position
  • any other argument you want saved into the table of nav_items table

For more information about each item, see the wiki.

Rendering it onto a page

You've got your nav_items all set and you want to render it to the menu. I've created a Renderer - the SimpleNavigation renderer that fetches all the nav_items in the database and renders it on the page using andi's simple-navigation gem. This is the default choice. To render stuff into the page, you get the navi_render helper:

<%= navi_render NavItem.roots %>

You must supply an array of top-most items to render. What do I mean? "top-most" means all the root items, for example, or a generation of items. This will render that generation and all their children in a nested ul. See lib/navi/renderers/simple_navigation.rb for more info.

You can create your own renderer too. For this, see the wiki. I could add these into the gem. Send me a pull request.


You can render all your links in a namespace:

<%= navi_render NavItem.roots, namespace: 'preview' %>

This is useful if you want to generate the same links but have them all point to a different route. For example, you have a CMS and there's a preview section where you want the links that are generated to be the same, yet point to all other preview pages in the CMS.

Contributing to navigable

To develop and run tests, see the Gemfile and read the comments right above the :development, :test, :cucumber group.

  • Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet
  • Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it
  • Fork the project
  • Start a feature/hotfix branch
  • Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution
  • Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.


Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Ramon Tayag. See LICENSE.txt for further details.


Database-backed navigation







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