This is a fork of Valetudo by Hypfer, created by me since I found too many features missing in the original package when I've tried to use it for the first time.
Features added lately:
- Preliminary support for Roborock gen3 devices;
- MQTT: Tracking the time when the dustbin was last emptied or for how long it was in use;
- MQTT: Possibility of playing sound files on the device by issuing a mqtt command;
- Optional ability to see a live map on the Remote Control tab;
And this is a quick list of features first appeared here:
- Ability to select multiple saved zones at once;
- Selected zones optionally shown at the map tab to see and edit what's actually going to be cleaned;
- Configurable virtual walls and forbidden zones (requires Gen2);
- Ability to see the actual map of cleanings that were finished recently;
- Scheduled zoned cleaning - when you do not need to clean the whole house;
- Scheduled rooms cleaning - the same thing for newer firmware of Gen2;
- Ability to specify the number of iterations to clean the same zone multiple times;
- Display device's status on the map, as well as a set of quick action buttons that are dynamically switching at state changes;
- Multilanguage support, currently available in bg/ca/cz/de/en/es/fi/fr/hu/it/lv/nl/ru/pl;
- A telegram bot software for controlling the vacuum from the outside world;
- Experimental ability to SAVE and RESTORE the main map (with per-map list of saved zones and spots);
- Full support of room cleaning (requires Gen2 with firmware 2008+);
- Cleaning queue, allowing the use of zoned cleaning with more than 5 zones via enqueuing any number of additional cleanups at once;
- Possibility to enqueue additional zones and segments during cleaning or additional goto spots during the movement;
- Ability to run Goto + Spot cleaning (by long pressing "Goto" button on the map tab);
- Selecting the destination for the device to go when the cleaning is finished (configured globally in settings or per-cleaning by long pressing "Start" button on the map tab);
- Visual preview and edit of zones and rooms for corresponding scheduled cleaning.
You can add or improve your own native language support by using ./client/locales/en.json template as an example and sending a PR.
Check deployment section or this wiki page on how to install Valetudo onto your device.
- valetudo-mapper - a companion service for generating PNG maps;
- You can also try to request a simple map from Valetudo RE itself via http at
, but it shouldn't be called too often since resources of the vacuum are limited.