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Updating valetudo binary on 2008 firmware

Stefan300381 edited this page May 3, 2020 · 3 revisions

This note applies for those who has already installed any 2008+ firmware image, which was created with vacuumz image builder by zvldz.

This procedure is a bit different compared to upgrades on all previous firmware versions since roborock changed OS to very stripped down version and many tools like dpkg are now missing.

Anyway, to correctly replace valetudo RE binary with a new version, login to SSH console of your vacuum using login root and password cleaner (or whatever password if you changed it) and perform the next sequence of commands:

/etc/init/S11valetudo stop
cd /mnt/data/valetudo
wget <URL to valetudo.tar.gz file>
tar xvzf valetudo.tar.gz
rm valetudo.tar.gz
mv valetudo /usr/local/bin/
/etc/init/S11valetudo start

Replace <URL to valetudo.tar.gz file> to complete link of current valetudo release found on Releases section of this site, i.e.

This way you'll immediately get updated valetudo RE version on your device. No reboots required.