Seyren (/ˈsaɪ.rʌn/) is an alerting dashboard for Graphite.
- Maven
- An instance of Graphite
- Mongodb ([Install instructions]( Installing MongoDB))
###Stand alone
mvn clean package
java -jar seyren-web/target/dependency/jetty-runner.jar --path /seyren seyren-web/target/*.war
open http://localhost:8080/seyren
###Environment variables
- The location of your graphite server. Default:http://localhost:80
- The Http Basic auth username for the graphite server. Default: ``GRAPHITE_PASSWORD
- The Http Basic auth password for the graphite server. Default: ``GRAPHITE_KEYSTORE
- The Http KeyStore path for the https graphite server. Default: ``GRAPHITE_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD
- The Http KeyStore password for the https graphite server. Default: ``GRAPHITE_TRUSTSTORE
- The Http TrustStore path for the https graphite server. Default: ``MONGO_URL
- The mongo connection string. Default:mongodb://localhost:27017/seyren
- The location of your seyren instance. Default:http://localhost:8080/seyren
- The smtp server to send email notifications from. Default:localhost
- The smtp server port. Default:25
- The from email address for sending out notifications. Default:alert@seyren
- The smtp server username if authenticated SMTP is used. Default: ``SMTP_PASSWORD
- The smtp server password if authenticated SMTP is used. Default: ``SMTP_PROTOCOL
- The smtp server protocol if authenticated SMTP is used. Default:smtp
- The hipchat api auth token. Default: ``HIPCHAT_USERNAME
- The username that messages will be sent from. Default:Seyren Alert
- The PagerDuty domain to be notified. Default: ``PAGERDUTY_USERNAME
- The PagerDuty API username. Default: ``PAGERDUTY_PASSWORD
- The PagerDuty API Password. Default: ``
- The location where Hubot is running. Default ``
- The username that messages will be sent from to a flow. Default:Seyren
- Special tags to add to all messages. Default: ``FLOWDOCK_EMOJIS
- Mapping between state and emojis unicode. Default: ``
###Cloud Formation
If you are running on amazon infrastructure use this Cloud Formation Template to bring up a single instance of any size. All the environment variables required for Seyren are specified as properties to the cloud formation template and a fully configured Seyren instance should come up with no other intervention.
To run the acceptance tests with Maven:
mvn clean verify
To fire-up the app using Maven and wait (meaning you can run the tests separately from your IDE):
mvn clean verify -Dwait
You should then be able to browse to http://localhost:8080/seyren
and have a play.