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EOmaps v7.4

Closed Apr 2, 2024 0% complete


  • merge new icons #180
  • add info on how to use OSMnx together with EOmaps to fetch OSM data
osmnx example:
import osmnx as ox
def fetch_data(osmnx_bbox):
    coast = ox.features_from_bbox(*osmnx_bbox, tags={'natural': ['coastline']})
    beach = ox.features_from_bbox(*osmnx_bbox, tags={'natural': ['beach']})
    scrub = ox.features_from_bbox(*os…


  • merge new icons #180
  • add info on how to use OSMnx together with EOmaps to fetch OSM data
osmnx example:
import osmnx as ox
def fetch_data(osmnx_bbox):
    coast = ox.features_from_bbox(*osmnx_bbox, tags={'natural': ['coastline']})
    beach = ox.features_from_bbox(*osmnx_bbox, tags={'natural': ['beach']})
    scrub = ox.features_from_bbox(*osmnx_bbox, tags={'natural': ['scrub']})
    build = ox.features_from_bbox(*osmnx_bbox, tags={'building': True})
    roads = ox.features_from_bbox(*osmnx_bbox, tags={'highway': True})
    return coast, beach, scrub, build, roads

lon0, lon1, lat0, lat1 = (9.39708098432, 9.40989677317, 43.0028512847, 43.0093021058)

coast, beach, scrub, build, roads = fetch_data((lat0, lat1, lon0, lon1))

# %%
from eomaps import Maps
m = Maps(3857)
m.set_extent((lon0, lon1, lat0, lat1))


# add all features on individual layers
m.add_gdf(coast, fc="none",   ec="orange", lw=2,                  layer="coastline")
m.add_gdf(beach, fc="beige",  ec="olive",  lw=0.5, hatch="xxxxx", layer="beach")
m.add_gdf(roads, fc="none",   ec="k",      lw=1,                  layer="roads")

m.add_gdf(scrub, fc="lawngreen", ec="darkgreen", lw=0.6, hatch="///", layer="scrub")
m.add_gdf(scrub, fc="none",      ec="lawngreen", lw=2,                layer="scrub_2")

m_build = m.new_layer("buildings")
m_build.add_gdf(build, fc="tomato", ec="r", lw=.25, 
                picker_name="buildings", pick_method="contains")

m_build.cb.pick["buildings"].attach.highlight_geometry(fc="r", ec="k")
m_build.cb.pick["buildings"].attach.annotate(text=lambda ID, **kwargs: str(ID))

# transparently overlay the layers to compose the final image
m.show_layer(("base", 1), 
             ("scrub", 0.25), 
             ("scrub_2", 1), 
             ("roads", 1),
             ("beach", 0.5), 
             ("buildings", 1),
             ("coastline", 1), 

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