Fvwm Keep-It-Simple & elegant - is a simplified version of Fvwm-myExt collection of ready-made scripts (configs). KISe is a simple and elegant base to use, modify, or add your own.
The default Fvwm config file is the base. In KISe it is split into associated folders and runs in the same sequence as the original. This structure helps to maintain, debug, and create new functions, decor, and modules. Currently, there are 22 scripts (configs) of functions, styles, menus, decor, and modules.
Desk Launcher includes: Iconfied Thumbnails, Full-Screen Maximize, Windows Overview, Tiling, and Work Desk.
Work Desk includes navigation buttons, Rofi, Calendar, Clock, and 4 Desks Pager with 2 pages each. (Web, Email, Work and Misc. desk).
Icon/Application Panel.
Task Panel.
XDG menu.
Day/Time Panel.
4-button Window Title Bar.
Auto Move Windows.
Page Indicator.
Tiled and scalable wallpaper features.
Elegant transparency and shadows.
Window focus on all desks and pages.
Documentation and instructions for individual scripts.
Tested on Fvwm3 and Fvwm2
Extract and copy subfolders to ~/.fvwm
When Fvwm is loaded for the first time, .fvwm/config creates one sub-system file (userExt.sys) which reads the scripts and runs the system.
- Requirements & Dependencies read setup/INSTALL.md