Research Duck Fed System using NextJS Framework Design Document
- material-ui
- nextjs
- mongoose
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Rename
to be.env.local
and edit information in fileMONGODB_URI= GOOGLE_MAP_KEY=
- Start container
cd duck-fed docker-compose up -d
- Go to http://localhost:3000
- Development
for running: docker-compose up -d
for accress container: docker container exec -it duck-fed sh
- Build
docker-compose build
Contributors names and contact info
- Functional Requirement
- Caching REST API e.g. HTTP response headers (Cache-Control)
- End to End Testing
- Scalable web application
- Security scan
- Deployment script
NextJS - Builds on top of React. It's easy one to work with dynamic route, data fetching, layouts, image optimizing, SEO etc. Learn more
NextJS API - Our website is a simple request server-side to retrieve data. NextJS helps us to easily develop. Able to deploy as serverless functions with AWS easily. Learn more
Mongo DB - RDBMS is a good one but has difficulties scaling with sharding. For saving a lot of research data. I think NOSQL is more suitable. That's why I use document stores - MongDB with flexible schemas. Learn more
REST API - Even Though REST API has fixed data structures. It's not flexible like GraphQL. But our web application is less data structures. Lest API endpoint. I think REST API is Easy to understand and implement. Learn more
- 0.1
- Initial Release