Minor feature improvements.
Change to resolve false positive malware notification with ESET:
- Modified Machina.FFXIV to no longer distribute Deucalion as an embedded resource.
- included the latest version of Deucalion in the Machina.FFXIV nuget package
- Added property to specify the expected location for Deucalion, since ACT Plugins are usually installed in a directory other than the current working directory.
- Updated FFXIV_ACT_Plugin to use this latest version of Machina, and specify the Deucalion folder as the current plugin directory
- Added deucalion-1.1.0.distrib.dll to file as a separate file, that will get extracted to the same folder as the plugin on update.
- Added deobfuscation for fr,de, jp actions & status effects
- Added new experimental code that reports on the currently-installed antivirus software. it runs automatically when clicking the 'test game connection' button and logs to the log/debug messages.
*Added new IDataRepository.GetAntiVirusNames() method to return the list