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For multi-node setup, ADAG double registers a channel at a remote node, and this fails assertion.
Background: when a channel is registered with remote readers: on the remote node, a reader_ref is created and an entry from writer_ref to reader_ref (plus additional info) is added to a hash map. There is a check that the writer_ref does not exist before the insertion. However, this check fails causing raylet to crash.
Stack trace:
(raylet) Raylet is terminated. Termination is unexpected. Possible reasons include: (1) SIGKILL by the user or system OOM killer, (2) Invalid memory access from Raylet causing SIGSEGV or SIGBUS, (3) Other termination signals. Last 20 lines of the Raylet logs:
[2024-07-03 08:41:58,353 D 69285 72216582] (raylet) IncrementObjectCount 00d3905a616924a8671a482b0aafdba522ccdaf70100000002e1f505 count is now: 2
[2024-07-03 08:41:58,353 D 69285 72216582] (raylet) Decrement object count 00d3905a616924a8671a482b0aafdba522ccdaf70100000002e1f505 count is now 1
[2024-07-03 08:41:58,355 D 69285 72216582] (raylet) [Worker] Message NotifyUnblocked(11) from worker with PID nil
[2024-07-03 08:41:58,355 D 69285 72216582] (raylet) Canceling get request for worker 01000000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
[2024-07-03 08:41:58,369 C 69285 72216582] (raylet) Check failed: success
*** StackTrace Information ***
0 raylet 0x000000010581077c _ZN3raylsERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEEEERKNS_10StackTraceE + 84 ray::operator<<()
1 raylet 0x0000000105813658 _ZN3ray6RayLogD2Ev + 84 ray::RayLog::~RayLog()
2 raylet 0x0000000104f369b8 _ZN3ray4core12experimental21MutableObjectProvider27HandleRegisterMutableObjectERKNS_8ObjectIDExS5_ + 232 ray::core::experimental::MutableObjectProvider::HandleRegisterMutableObject()
3 raylet 0x0000000104d96d70 _ZN3ray6raylet11NodeManager27HandleRegisterMutableObjectENS_3rpc28RegisterMutableObjectRequestEPNS2_26RegisterMutableObjectReplyENSt3__18functionIFvNS_6StatusENS7_IFvvEEESA_EEE + 100 ray::raylet::NodeManager::HandleRegisterMutableObject()
4 raylet 0x0000000104e1f51c _ZN3ray3rpc14ServerCallImplINS0_25NodeManagerServiceHandlerENS0_28RegisterMutableObjectRequestENS0_26RegisterMutableObjectReplyELNS0_8AuthTypeE0EE17HandleRequestImplEb + 164 ray::rpc::ServerCallImpl<>::HandleRequestImpl()
5 raylet 0x00000001051e288c _ZN12EventTracker15RecordExecutionERKNSt3__18functionIFvvEEENS0_10shared_ptrI11StatsHandleEE + 228 EventTracker::RecordExecution()
6 raylet 0x00000001051dbedc _ZNSt3__110__function6__funcIZN23instrumented_io_context4postENS_8functionIFvvEEENS_12basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEExE3$_0NS9_ISC_EES4_EclEv + 56 std::__1::__function::__func<>::operator()()
7 raylet 0x00000001051db73c _ZN5boost4asio6detail18completion_handlerINSt3__18functionIFvvEEENS0_10io_context19basic_executor_typeINS3_9allocatorIvEELm0EEEE11do_completeEPvPNS1_19scheduler_operationERKNS_6system10error_codeEm + 236 boost::asio::detail::completion_handler<>::do_complete()
8 raylet 0x00000001059335dc _ZN5boost4asio6detail9scheduler10do_run_oneERNS1_27conditionally_enabled_mutex11scoped_lockERNS1_21scheduler_thread_infoERKNS_6system10error_codeE + 664 boost::asio::detail::scheduler::do_run_one()
9 raylet 0x0000000105928a0c _ZN5boost4asio6detail9scheduler3runERNS_6system10error_codeE + 200 boost::asio::detail::scheduler::run()
10 raylet 0x00000001059288f4 _ZN5boost4asio10io_context3runEv + 32 boost::asio::io_context::run()
11 raylet 0x0000000104d3c784 main + 6032 main
12 dyld 0x00000001923be0e0 start + 2360 start
Versions / Dependencies
latest Ray, ray-2.31.0
Reproduction script
def test_pp(ray_start_cluster):
cluster = ray_start_cluster
# This node is for the driver.
TP = 2
# This node is for the PP stage 1.
cluster.add_node(resources={"pp1": TP})
# This node is for the PP stage 2.
cluster.add_node(resources={"pp2": TP})
class Worker:
def __init__(self):
def execute_model(self, val):
return val
pp1_workers = [Worker.options(num_cpus=0, resources={"pp1": 1}).remote() for _ in range(TP)]
pp2_workers = [Worker.options(num_cpus=0, resources={"pp2": 1}).remote() for _ in range(TP)]
with InputNode() as inp:
outputs = [inp for _ in range(TP)]
outputs = [pp1_workers[i].execute_model.bind(outputs[i]) for i in range(TP)]
outputs = [pp2_workers[i].execute_model.bind(outputs[i]) for i in range(TP)]
dag = MultiOutputNode(outputs)
compiled_dag = dag.experimental_compile()
ref = compiled_dag.execute(1)
Issue Severity
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
When an ADAG channel is pickled, it currently does not include _writer_registered flag. However, when the channel is deserialized and passed to another node, the channel may be double registered, causing runtime failures.
Using the repro script of #46411 as an example:
The first registration (ensure_registered_as_writer()) happens when the driver calls do_allocate_channel() on the actor, _writer_registered is set to True
However, when the driver ray.get() on the channel, its _writer_registered is False as the field is not pickled
The second registration happens when driver calls do_exec_tasks() (-> _prep_task() -> output_writer.start() -> _output_channel.ensure_registered_as_writer()) on the actor, the task's output channel is passed in from driver (with _writer_registered==False`).
Since ensure_registered_as_writer() (if the reader is a remote node) eventually calls ExperimentalRegisterMutableObjectReaderRemote() (->HandleRegisterMutableObject()) on the remote node, where it inserts an entry to a hash map keyed with writer_object_id. If there is already an entry with the same key, the check fails as shown in the following snippet:
bool success =
remote_writer_object_to_local_reader_.insert({writer_object_id, info}).second;
This PR fixes the issue by including these states in pickling. A new test test_pp is added to verify the fix.
This PR also introduces test_multi_node_dag and moves several tests from test_accelerated_dag since it got large.
What happened + What you expected to happen
For multi-node setup, ADAG double registers a channel at a remote node, and this fails assertion.
Background: when a channel is registered with remote readers: on the remote node, a reader_ref is created and an entry from writer_ref to reader_ref (plus additional info) is added to a hash map. There is a check that the writer_ref does not exist before the insertion. However, this check fails causing raylet to crash.
Stack trace:
Versions / Dependencies
latest Ray, ray-2.31.0
Reproduction script
Issue Severity
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: