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Evaluation results for Machine Translation within the BigScience project

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Evaluation results for Machine Translation within the BigScience project. Evaluation is carried out using the BigScience fork of lm-evaluation-harness coupled with the eval-hackathon branch of PromptSource. N.B. Updates of latest versions are currently ongoing and will be available shortly.


This repository contains codes and outputs to accompany the paper "Investigating the Translation Performance of a Large Multilingual Language Model: the Case of BLOOM". Please cite the following:

    author = {Bawden, Rachel and Yvon, François},
    title = {Investigating the Translation Performance of a Large Multilingual
Language Model: the Case of {BLOOM}},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation},
    url = {},
    year = {2023},
    notes = {To appear}

Outputs and evaluation

Extract all predictions and evaluate

python scripts/process_results_{flores,diabla,wmt}.py

This extracts all predictions from .jsonl files into .tsv files and calculates BLEU and COMET scores. These are written out to the following folders:

  • outputs/{wmt14_hi_en,wmt14_fr_en,flores-101}/{0,1,2,5}-shot/{comet,bleu}-results.tsv for WMT and flores-101
  • outputs/diabla/{0,1}-shot/{comet,bleu}-results.{English-French,French-English}.tsv for DiaBLa.

Three versions of each output are generated:

  1. The original outputs
  2. The outputs truncated at the first newline (newline-cut)
  3. The outputs truncated at the first newline or before the first repetition of the 'xglm' prompt (newline-cut-custom-truncate). This corresponds to the truncated outputs from the paper.

Generate latex tables:

python scripts/make-tables-{flores,diabla,wmt}.py

Results (BLEU scores)

Cross-dataset and model comparison (focus on English-French and English-Hindi)

WMT14 results (Original outputs)

Lang. dir #shots BLOOM T0 mT0-xxl OPT
en→fr 0 14.91 1.21 29.27 12.95
1 27.83 1.41 25.24 21.92
fr→en 0 15.52 25.79 32.88 15.54
1 34.61 21.01 30.03 24.55
en→hi 0 6.80 0.16 11.20 0.14
1 13.62 0.12 9.50 0.08
hi→en 0 12.05 0.00 26.13 0.42
1 25.04 0.01 20.15 0.58

DiaBLa results (Original outputs)

Lang. dir #shots BLOOM T0 mT0-xxl OPT
en→fr 0 0.88 0.52 28.44 0.53
1 5.70 0.61 21.03 15.52
fr→en 0 0.85 25.51 34.96 0.83
1 12.05 20.57 26.88 12.05

Flores-101 results (Original outputs)

Lang. dir #shots BLOOM T0 mT0-xxl OPT
en→fr 0 2.77 1.86 55.45 2.76
1 44.99 2.13 53.53 24.36
fr→en 0 2.73 31.90 60.10 2.59
1 45.59 24.86 58.22 16.74
en→hi 0 1.29 0.15 67.69 0.07
1 27.25 0.06 54.66 0.12
hi→en 0 3.40 0.00 59.55 0.10
1 35.06 0.19 57.32 0.45

WMT14 results (Truncated outputs)

Lang. dir #shots BLOOM T0 mT0-xxl OPT
en→fr 0 32.25 1.21 29.24 18.86
1 36.29 1.41 25.19 22.31
fr→en 0 37.16 25.80 32.87 33.18
1 38.18 21.07 29.95 33.25
en→hi 0 12.10 0.16 11.20 0.11
1 15.73 0.12 9.50 0.08
hi→en 0 24.29 0.00 26.06 0.51
1 25.04 0.01 20.06 0.61

DiaBLa results (Truncated outputs)

Lang. dir #shots BLOOM T0 mT0-xxl OPT
en→fr 0 24.23 0.52 28.44 17.42
1 37.57 0.61 21.89 20.71
fr→en 0 22.94 25.51 34.92 36.80
1 41.36 21.09 27.20 37.63

Flores-101 results (Truncated outputs)

Lang. dir #shots BLOOM T0 mT0-xxl OPT
en→fr 0 26.91 1.85 55.34 21.40
1 49.32 2.13 53.40 28.41
fr→en 0 40.28 31.90 60.01 39.41
1 47.24 25.20 58.24 39.82
en→hi 0 7.74 0.15 67.69 0.12
1 29.52 0.06 54.66 0.12
hi→en 0 30.19 0.00 59.55 0.23
1 35.06 0.19 57.27 0.50

Flores-101: High-resource, 1-shot

(Original outputs with no postprocessing)

Src↓ Trg→ ar en es fr zh
ar Bloom -- 40.28 23.32 33.12 17.68
M2M -- 25.50 16.74 25.69 13.10
en Bloom 28.21 -- 29.42 44.99 26.69
M2M 17.92 -- 25.57 41.99 19.33
es Bloom 18.76 32.70 -- 24.80 20.92
M2M 12.11 25.09 -- 29.33 14.86
fr Bloom 23.44 45.59 27.51 -- 23.15
M2M 15.36 37.17 25.60 -- 17.61
zh Bloom 15.05 30.50 20.54 26.01 --
M2M 11.55 20.91 16.92 24.32 --

Flores-101:High-mid resource, 1-shot

(Original outputs with no postprocessing)

Src↓ Trg→ en fr hi id vi
en Bloom -- 44.99 27.25 39.00 28.54
M2M -- 41.99 28.15 37.26 35.10
fr Bloom 45.59 -- 18.47 31.44 32.76
M2M 37.17 -- 22.91 29.14 30.26
hi Bloom 35.06 27.62 -- -- --
M2M 27.89 25.88 -- -- --
id Bloom 43.25 30.35 -- -- --
M2M 33.74 30.81 -- -- --
vi Bloom 38.71 26.85 -- -- --
M2M 29.51 25.82 -- -- --

Flores-101: Low-resource, 1-shot

(Original outputs with no postprocessing)

Src↓ Trg→ bn en hi sw yo
en Bloom -- 24.65 27.25 20.51 2.60
M2M -- 23.04 28.15 26.95 2.17
bn Bloom 29.91 -- 16.34 -- --
M2M 22.86 -- 21.76 -- --
hi Bloom 35.06 23.77 -- -- --
M2M 27.89 21.77 -- -- --
sw Bloom 37.40 -- -- -- 1.31
M2M 30.43 -- -- -- 1.29
yo Bloom 4.08 -- -- 0.89 --
M2M 4.18 -- -- 1.93 --

Flores-101: Romance languages, 1-shot

(Original outputs with no postprocessing)

Src↓ Trg→ ca es fr gl it pt
ca Bloom -- 28.92 33.79 19.24 19.85 33.05
M2M -- 25.17 35.08 33.42 25.50 35.17
es Bloom 31.16 -- 24.80 23.28 16.49 29.11
M2M 23.12 -- 29.33 27.54 23.87 28.10
fr Bloom 37.16 27.51 -- 24.92 23.97 38.94
M2M 28.74 25.60 -- 32.82 28.56 37.84
gl Bloom 37.49 27.09 33.77 -- 18.26 32.16
M2M 30.07 27.65 37.06 -- 26.87 34.81
it Bloom 31.00 25.40 31.36 20.16 -- 29.15
M2M 25.20 29.23 34.39 29.23 -- 31.47
pt Bloom 39.56 28.07 40.34 27.10 20.06 --
M2M 30.69 26.88 40.17 33.77 28.09 --

Flores-101: Bengali→English MT, Transfer using 1-shot example from a different language direction

(Original outputs with no postprocessing)

1-shot example direction type 1-shot example direction spBLEU orig. COMET orig. spBLEU trunc. COMET trunc.
Same bn→en 29.91 0.4440 29.91 0.4440
Opposite en→bn 21.81 0.3132 29.42 0.4143
Related source hi→en 30.14 0.4492 30.54 0.4603
Related source (from WMT) hi→en 29.06 0.4216 29.07 0.4274
HR unrelated source fr→en 17.19 0.3147 29.68 0.3960
HR unrelated source fr→ar 8.44 -0.1025 27.99 0.3218

DiaBLa context results (1-shot with differing source of context)

The 1-shot example can be:

  • from either anywhere in the document (Origin=Rand.) or the previous sentence (Origin=Prev.)
  • from any language direction (en→fr or fr→en) regardless of the language direction of the current example (Direction=rand.), from the same direction as the current example (Direction=same) or the opposite direction (Direction=opposite).
Origin Direction Truncate en→fr BLEU en→fr COMET fr→en BLEU fr→en COMET
Rand. rand. 5.70 0.3421 12.05 0.6138
37.57 0.6343 41.36 0.7576
Prev. rand. 6.10 0.3280 12.34 0.6166
38.51 0.6139 41.57 0.7513
Prev. Same 19.32 0.5965 20.71 0.7190
38.95 0.6325 42.10 0.7607
Prev. Opposite 3.64 0.0635 8.56 0.5184
37.76 0.5898 41.20 0.7423


Evaluation results for Machine Translation within the BigScience project






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