Based on the react to maintain a set of ionic style of reusable component library document
npm install fruit-ui
git clone
npm install --registry= --verbose
npm start
Open url
in browser.
Components of the plan, the subsequent will continue to add new components
- Button
- Input
- grid
- Switch
- Numberbox
- Checkbox
- Select
- ActionSheet
- Tabbar
- Dialog
- Toast
- Popover
- Carousel
- Popover
- Navigation
- Spiner
- Datepicker
- Processbar
- Searchbar
- ShareGroup
|-- example
|-- lib
|-- src
| |-- components
| | |-- button
| | | |-- button.js
| | | |-- index.js
| | | `-- styles.less
| | |-- ...
| `-- index.js
|-- .babelrc
|-- .editorconfig
|-- .eslintrc
|-- .travis.yml
|-- package.json
`-- webpack.config.js
- Star
- Fork
- PR
- Issue