Bundle provides to emiting an events as live application and non-blocking javascript server and PHP emiters. Based on node.js, socket.io and elephant.io. Integrated packages with other vendor packages are included and binded to bundle.
A bundle is origin from yii-node-socket extension on YiiNodeSocket and is rewriten for Symfony bundle package. Some of components are from orignal vendors such as socket.io, elephant.io, node.js and libraries from YiiNodeSocket.
- PHP 5.2
- Symfony 2.6
- Nodejs package
- jQuery CDN
Install nodejs package on your system. Then find path of node and bind with node command. Find a node on a system:
$ which node
Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute the following command to download the latest stable version of this bundle:
$ composer require reactorcoder/symfony2-nodesocket "~1"
This command requires you to have Composer installed globally, as explained in the installation chapter of the Composer documentation.
Activate a bundle by adding a follow bundle into AppKernel: app/AppKernel.php
file of your project:
// app/AppKernel.php
// ...
class AppKernel extends Kernel
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Reactorcoder\Symfony2NodesocketBundle\ReactorcoderSymfony2NodesocketBundle(),
// ...
// ...
Make sure that in app directory cache and logs files are writeable. A bundle requires logs directory to store node socket emit and action events.
Add a configuration attributes inside config.yml as sample:
host: [yourhostname] # domain.ltd
port: [your port for node socket] # 3001
origin: [yourhostname]:* # domain.ltd:*
allowedServers: [] # separate with comma to add hosts
dbOptions: null #
checkClientOrigin: null #
sessionVarName: null #
socketLogFile: null # A log path file for process ID
pidFile: null # runtime PID file
Make sure that your hostname is same in your project from [yourhostname].
If you add origin server it should be in a lists from hosts and listener hosts.
By default node socket uses session storage and cookie to share information between server socket and client. A default name sessionVarName is PHPSESSID. If your application uses same session name change it to avoid conflicts.
When starting node socket it will store ID of system process into file. It uses for starting and stopping node.js services.
A service uses log file to store node events, triggers, callbacks, messages and status of node service. By default node starts as background service inside server.js file.
To staring a node server use console to activate service:
Get a console help intro:
$ app/console nodesocket
Starting a service:
$ app/console nodesocket start
By default if service has already running it will show process ID of running service. You can stop or restart a service.
Terminating a service:
$ app/console nodesocket stop
Restarting a service:
$ app/console nodesocket restart
Restarting service will kill previously process if started and starting a new node service.
Check status and process ID of service:
$ app/console nodesocket getpid
If you encountering or if you prefer to manually start you can check your process id by using ps command to find node service:
$ ps -eaf | grep node
Then find a symfony node service node server.js
and manually kill it using
$ kill -9 [PID]
For loading socket.io and emiting events you need to put a template code inside head tag. Remove a jquery CDN if you already have in your template:
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.2.min.js"></script>
{{ codereactor_nodesocket_css() }}
{{ codereactor_nodesocket_header_js() }}
Before body tag put socket.io listener for incoming emits and status of socket:
{{ codereactor_nodesocket_body_js() }}
{{ codereactor_nodesocket_body_js() }}
<script type="text/javascript">
var socket = new NodeSocket();
socket.onConnect(function () {
console.log('Connection to socket successfully');
socket.onDisconnect(function () {
console.log('On lost connection');
socket.on('message', function (data) {
console.log('An event emit. Input data:');
// Here you receive data from emits
A bundle requires in a web directory to include JS and CSS file you should check and include your files into web/bundles/reactorcodersymfony2nodesocket directory. To publish bundle into web directory and loading automaticaly use:
app/console assets:install web --symlink --relative
A public resource is located under Reactorcoder/Symfony2NodesocketBundle/Resources/public directory.
In your controller (sending events):
Append a code after login function, load nodesocket class to register session and authenticate user into node socket. This should be done only once on login:
use Reactorcoder\Symfony2NodesocketBundle\Library\php\NodeSocket as NodeSocket;
class DefaultController extends Controller
$nodesocket = new NodeSocket;
$event = $this->get('service_nodesocket')->getFrameFactory()->createAuthenticationFrame();
$event->setUserId((int)1); // Current UserID after login
return $this->render(...); // This should be load assets from Step 6
For receiving events use template.
To send event message via socket using event name use:
$event = $this->get('service_nodesocket')->getFrameFactory()->createEventFrame();
$event['url'] = "uri";
$event['time'] = date("d.m.Y H:i");
$event['message'] = 'Hello';
To send event message via socket using user ID and if you previously set SetUserId() on login use:
$nodesocket = new NodeSocket;
$event = $this->get('service_nodesocket')->getFrameFactory()->createEventFrame();
$event->setUserId((int)2); // Send to another user
$event['url'] = "uri";
$event['time'] = date("d.m.Y H:i");
$event['message'] = 'Hello';
User will receive if is previously logged using createAuthenticationFrame() as user ID 2. A code sample is for authentication on Step 6.
To receive message just call template from Step 6.
Full working sample demo is on Reactorcoder/Symfony2NodesocketBundle/Controller and Reactorcoder/Symfony2NodesocketBundle/Resources/views folder.
Thank you for contributing, suggestions, coding and maintenances package that will helps others contributors, developers and end users. Feel free if you have suggestions, contributing or recommendations.