New Features 🥳
[Printer] Apply add node before node before HTML take 3 (#3287 )
Move Reprint previous node of first node early to NodeAddingPostRector, mix html+php take 4 (#3290 )
Add constant FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS when flags parameter is used (#3215 ), Thanks @jawira !
Show different code on found errors, and on fatal errors (#3297 )
Bugfixes 🐛
[CodeQuality] Handle mix HTML+PHP on ForRepeatedCountToOwnVariableRector (#3282 )
Clean up mix HTML+PHP first stmt check (#3285 )
Clean up Mix HTML+PHP take 2 (#3286 )
[AutoImport] Skip first stmt is InlineHTML (#3288 )
[Printer] Skip Tweak html+php handling on File is no diff (#3289 )
[Php80] Handle crash leaveNode() returned invalid value of type integer on TokenGetAllToObjectRector (#3291 )
[Php73] Skip prev() call on items after key called on ArrayKeyFirstLastRector (#3293 )
Bump php-parser 4.15.3 and re-generate preload file (#3294 )
[Renaming][PostRector] Handle skip path after defined at RenameClassRector (#3243 )
Removed 💀
You can’t perform that action at this time.