parslepy (pronounced "parsley-pie", /ˈpɑːslipaɪ/) is a Python implementation (built on top of lxml and cssselect) of the Parsley DSL for extracting structured data from web pages, as defined by Kyle Maxwell and Andrew Cantino (see Parsley's wiki for more details and original C implementation).
Kudos to Kyle Maxwell (@fizx) for coming up with this smart and easy syntax to define extracting rules.
Please note that this Parsley DSL is NOT the same as the Parsley parsing library at
Check out the official docs for more information on how to install and use parslepy. There is also some useful information at the parslepy Wiki
Here is an example of a parselet script that extracts the questions from StackOverflow first page:
"first_page_questions(//div[contains(@class,'question-summary')])": [{
"title": ".//h3/a",
"tags": "div.tags",
"votes": "div.votes",
"views": "div.views",
"answers": "div.status"
Install via pip with:
sudo pip install parslepy
Alternatively, you can install from the latest source code:
git clone
sudo python install