Find file/directory and review Diff/Patch/Commit quickly everywhere.
User Case One: Find file/directory quickly in current project. The project root is detected automatically if Git/Subversion/Mercurial is used.
User Case Two:
Diff/patch files. Target files could be under any Version Control Software (VCS) or no VCS at all. Please check ffip-diff-*
- Works on Windows64/Linux/macOS with minimum setup. Only dependency is
- Fast. Tested with 50,000+ files
- Works flawlessly with Tramp Mode
- Uses native API
and supports ido/helm/ivy/consult/selectrum out of box
Run make runemacs
in this project’s root directory. The demo works out of box.
Place find-file-in-project.el under Load Path. Then add (require 'find-file-in-project)
to your configuration.
It is also possible to use melpa; however be aware that as of the time of this writing installation using package.el
is not recommended due to flaws in Emacs’s TLS implementation.
Since v3.7
, Emacs 24.3
is required.
Since v5.7.5
, Emacs 24.4
is required.
Since v6
, Emacs 25.1
is required.
Users of Debian ≥10 and derivatives can install this program with the following command:
sudo apt install elpa-find-file-in-project
Since v6, ffip gives you freedom to choose your favorite completion framework.
It only uses builtin api completing-read
Ido setup,
(setq ffip-prefer-ido-mode t)
Helm setup,
(helm-mode 1)
Ivy setup,
(ivy-mode 1)
Windows setup is as easy as installing Cygwin or MYSYS2 at default directory of any driver. GNU Find
executable is detected automatically.
You can also manually specify the executable path,
(when (eq system-type 'windows-nt) (setq ffip-find-executable "c:\\\\cygwin64\\\\bin\\\\find"))
NO setup needed.
Project root is automatically detected if Git/Mercurial/Subversion is used.
You can override the default root directory by setting ffip-project-root
(setq ffip-project-root "~/projs/PROJECT_DIR")
Per-project and per-directory setup is easy. Check “Tips” section for details.
Guess the file path at point and try to find file. The path could contain environment variables.
Use the selected region as keyword to search file. If no region is active, you could provide the keyword which could contain wildcard.
If keyword contains line number like “hello.txt:32” or “hello.txt:32:”, we will move to that line in opened file.
If parameter is passed , file will be opened in new window.
If (setq ffip-match-path-instead-of-filename t)
is placed before M-x find-file-in-project-by-selected
, we try to match selected text with any part of full path before displaying candidates.
It could replace old command find-file-in-project
(or ffip
) because it’s faster. It was tested searching in 50K+ files without any performance issue.
Find file with similar name to current opened file.
The regular expression ffip-strip-file-name-regex
is also used by find-file-with-similar-name
Use the selected region as keyword to find directory. If no region is active, you could provide the keyword. Keyword could contain wildcard character which passed to Find as value of -iwholename
If parameter is passed , directory will be opened in new window.
It replaces file path at point with correct relative/absolute path. File path could contain environment variables.
Starts search immediately. This command is slow if there 10K+ files because it use ONLY Emacs Lisp to filter candidates. You should always use find-file-in-project-by-selected
in big project..
File/directory searching actions are automatically stored into ffip-find-files-history
Use ffip-find-files-resume
to replay any previous action.
The maximum number of items of the history is set in ffip-find-files-history-max-items
By default it finds file in project. f its parameter is not nil, it find directory instead.
It’s written in pure Lisp and does not use any third party command line program. So it works in all environments.
Create .dir-locals.el
which ”defines the same set of local variables to all the files in a certain directory and its subdirectory”.
You can setup variables like ffip-project-root
in this file.
The original setup in .dir-locals.el
is respected. This command will merge new setup with old content.
See Emacs manual for technical details.
Like find-file-in-project
but find file in current directory.
Like find-file-in-project-by-selected
but find file in current directory.
Execute backend from ffip-diff-backends
The output of backend execution is in Unified Diff Format and is inserted into *ffip-diff*
buffer where you can press o
, C-c C-c
, M-x ffip-diff-find-file
to open the corresponding file.
is called in ffip-diff-find-file
. Two file names are passed to it as parameters. One name is returned by the hook as the file searching keyword.
For example, you can M-x ffip-show-diff
to view the git commit and open file inside patch.
, M-x 5 ffip-show-diff
executes 5th backend from ffip-diff-backends
Please press C-h v ffip-diff-backends
to view available back-ends.
Other key bindings defined in *ffip-diff*
key binding | command |
p | diff-hunk-prev |
n | diff-hunk-next |
P | diff-file-prev |
N | diff-file-next |
Insert below code into .emacs
if you use evil-mode
(defun ffip-diff-mode-hook-setup ()
(evil-local-set-key 'normal "K" 'diff-hunk-prev)
(evil-local-set-key 'normal "J" 'diff-hunk-next)
(evil-local-set-key 'normal "P" 'diff-file-prev)
(evil-local-set-key 'normal "N" 'diff-file-next)
(evil-local-set-key 'normal (kbd "RET") 'ffip-diff-find-file)
(evil-local-set-key 'normal "o" 'ffip-diff-find-file))
(add-hook 'ffip-diff-mode-hook 'ffip-diff-mode-hook-setup)
You can customize the ffip-diff-backends
(setq ffip-diff-backends
"cd $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) && git diff"
"cd $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) && git diff --cached"
("Diff from `kill-ring'" . (car kill-ring))
"cd $(hg root) && hg diff"
"svn diff"))
Please note some backends assume that the git cli program is added into environment variable PATH.
Find file/directory and copy its relative path into `kill-ring’.
File’s path is copied by default. C-u M-x find-relative-path
copy directory’s path.
You can set ffip-find-relative-path-callback
to format the string before copying.
;; (setq ffip-find-relative-path-callback 'ffip-copy-reactjs-import)
(setq ffip-find-relative-path-callback 'ffip-copy-org-file-link)
Similar to diff-apply-hunk
, it applies current hunk on the target file (please note ffip-diff-mode
inherits from diff-mode
The target file could be found by searching (ffip-project-root)
. You can also apply extra operation on the file in ffip-diff-apply-hunk-hook
before hunk applying happens.
For example, for files under Perforce control,
(defun p4-edit-file-and-make-buffer-writable(file)
"p4 edit FILE and make corresponding buffer writable."
(shell-command (format "p4 edit %s" file))
;; make sure the buffer is readable
(let* ((buf (get-file-buffer file)))
(if buf
(with-current-buffer buf
;; turn off read-only since we've already `p4 edit'
(read-only-mode -1)))))
(defun ffip-diff-apply-hunk-hook-setup (file)
(unless (featurep 'init-perforce) (require 'init-perforce))
(if (string-match-p "/myproject/" file)
(p4-edit-file-and-make-buffer-writable file)))
(add-hook 'ffip-diff-apply-hunk-hook 'ffip-diff-apply-hunk-hook-setup)
It can filter hunks by their file names.
For example, user input pattern “regex !exclude1 exclude1” means the hunk’s file name does match “regex”, but does not match “exclude1” or “exclude2”.
Please note in “regex”, space represents any string.
Insert file content into current buffer.
All tips are OPTIONAL. find-file-in-project
works out of box in 99% cases.
Please insert (setq ffip-use-rust-fd t)
into .emacs
to use fd (alternative to GNU Find).
return the full path of current project
Here is complete setup you could insert into .emacs=
;; if the full path of current file is under SUBPROJECT1 or SUBPROJECT2
;; OR if I'm reading my personal issue track document,
(defun my-setup-develop-environment ()
(when (ffip-current-full-filename-match-pattern-p "\\(PROJECT_DIR\\|\\)")
;; Though PROJECT_DIR is team's project, I care only its sub-directory "subproj1""
(setq-local ffip-project-root "~/projs/PROJECT_DIR/subproj1")
;; well, I'm not interested in concatenated BIG js file or file in dist/
(setq-local ffip-find-options "-not -size +64k -not -iwholename '*/dist/*'")
;; for this project, I'm only interested certain types of files
(setq-local ffip-patterns '("*.html" "*.js" "*.css" "*.java" "*.xml" "*.js"))
;; ignore files whose name match certain glob pattern
(setq-local ffip-ignore-filenames '("*.bmp" "*.jpg"))
;; exclude `dist/' directory
(push "*/dist" ffip-prune-patterns))
;; insert more WHEN statements below this line for other projects
;; most major modes inherit from prog-mode, so below line is enough
(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'my-setup-develop-environment)
All variables may be overridden on a per-directory basis in your .dir-locals.el
. See (info “(Emacs) Directory Variables”) for details.
You can place .dir-locals.el
into your project root directory.
A sample .dir-locals.el
((nil . ((ffip-project-root . "~/projs/PROJECT_DIR")
;; ignore files bigger than 64k and directory "dist/" when searching
(ffip-find-options . "-not -size +64k -not -iwholename '*/dist/*'")
;; only search files with following extensions
(ffip-patterns . ("*.html" "*.js" "*.css" "*.java" "*.xml" "*.js"))
(eval . (progn
(require 'find-file-in-project)
;; ignore directory ".tox/" when searching
(setq ffip-prune-patterns `("*/.tox" ,@ffip-prune-patterns))
;; Do NOT ignore directory "bin/" when searching
(setq ffip-prune-patterns `(delete "*/bin" ,@ffip-prune-patterns))))
As mentioned, ffip-create-project-file
could create a minimum .dir-locals.el
BTW, please use either per-directory setup or per-project setup, NOT both.
(if (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
;; Native Windows
(setq ffip-project-root "C:/Users/myname/projs/myproj1")
;; Cygwin
(setq ffip-project-root "~/projs/myprojs1"))
Install counsel.
Use counsel-git
to find file and counsel-git-grep
to grep.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.