Reads and displays values and images in a ROSBag file
- Ubuntu 16.04 (native or via Docker)
- Python 2.7
- XQuartz (if you are running on Mac via Docker)
Most of these can be installed with a simple 'pip install MODULE' command
- numpy
- opencv (pip install opencv-python)
- pyglet
- rosbag
- rospkg
- cv_bridge (apt-get install ros-kinetic-cv-bridge)
Install Kitti2Bag
'pip install kitti2bag'
To convert, follow the directions on the Github page. Pay attention to the how the zip files are unpacked.
Basic command:
python --dataset <BAGFILE>
For visualizing only certain topics
python --dataset <BAGFILE> --topics <TOPIC1>,<TOPIC2>,...
To run via Docker on Mac:
- Install XQuartz running
- Make sure you have updated XQuartz settings for GLX
defaults write org.macosforge.xquartz.X11 enable_iglx -bool true
- Log Out and Log back Into Mac session
- Install socat on your Mac (brew install socat)
Then these steps once per Mac session:
- Run socat on your Mac host
socat TCP-LISTEN:6000,reuseaddr,fork UNIX-CLIENT:\"$DISPLAY\"
- Find out your host machine's IP address using 'ifconfig'
- Within your Docker container, setup your DISPLAY environment to point to your host's XQuartz