Warning, this may eat your data, nibble your wifi or cause the silver foil lining your hat to combust in a shower of sparks like metal in a microwave.
For a quick start use the docker hub method, for access to the source, built it yourself.
docker pull rednut/unifi-controller
(see instructions below for running it)
git clone https://github.com/rednut/docker-unifi-controller.git
cd docker-unifi-controller
- to launch a container using the image created earlier:
docker run -d \
-p 8080:8080 -p 8443:8443 -p 8880:8880 -p 37117:27117 \
-v /srv/data/apps/docker/unifi/data:/usr/lib/unifi/data \
--name unifi rednut/unifi-controller
The Makefile will provision the docker container image from the Dockerfile which will provision the image with upstream ubuntu:latest and include all the required dependencies to run the the unifi controller.
The unifi controller repo will provide the .debs. The package requires mongodb, so if we dont include 10gen's official repo it will use stock debian mongo instead (current state)
The supervisor.conf (example below) is provided to configure supervisord which is then used to launch the unifi contoller daemon:
command=nice ionice -c2 /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java -Xmx256M -jar /usr/lib/unifi/lib/ace.jar start
You can mount a local volume path into the container at /usr/lib/unifi/data
by supplying to docker the -v
argument like -v <local_path>:<container_path>
or -v /srv/data/apps/docker/unifi/data:/usr/lib/unifi/data
To connunicate with the unifi controller you mapo various ports, eg:
- 8080: non tls web ui
- 8443: tls web ui
- 8880: guest login ui
- 27117: mongo
To launch a container using the image created earlier:
docker run -d \
-p 8080:8080 -p 8443:8443 -p 8880:8880 -p 37117:27117 \
-v /srv/data/apps/docker/unifi/data:/usr/lib/unifi/data \
--name unifi rednut/unifi-controller
see Makefile...
check the container is runing:
docker ps
check logs from container:
docker logs unifi
show process:
docker top unifi
kill the container ie stop process and stop container:
docker kill unifi
remove named conatiner (so you can re-run it):
docker rm unifi
so its usually better, after running the container to just stop/start it instead:
pause / unpause aka suspend running cotainer:
docker pause/unpause unifi
docker restart unifi
docker stop/start unifi
docker kill unifi
- 20151113 merge pr to all guest portal ports
- 20151026 fixup to use upstream ubuntu latest repo, make work with ubnt upstream changes: https://community.ubnt.com/t5/UniFi-Updates-Blog/UniFi-4-6-6-is-released/ba-p/1288816