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REGSAVE: extract and store regression results


regsave is a Stata command that fetches estimation results from e() and stores them in "wide" format (default) or "table" format:

  • By default, results are stored in wide format. Use this format when you want to further analyze your regression results using Stata.

  • If you specify the table() option, results are stored in table format. You can then outsheet those results to a text file, or use texsave to output your table in LaTeX format (see example below). Use the table() option when you want to create a publication-quality table.

The helper command regsave_tbl converts the dataset in memory from wide format to table format.

For more details, see the Stata help file included in this package.


* Determine which version of -regsave- you have installed
which regsave
which regsave_tbl

* Install the most recent version of -regsave-
net install regsave, from("") replace


First, make sure you have the most recent version of regsave installed on your computer:

net install regsave, from("") replace

The example code below opens one of Stata's built-in datasets and then regresses automobile price on miles per gallon and/or weight. The code estimates these regressions for two different types of automobiles: domestic cars and foreign cars. The code uses regsave to save the results of each regression to a tempfile and then displays the contents of that file.

* Example #1
tempfile results
sysuse auto, clear

local replace replace
foreach rhs in "mpg" "mpg weight" {
	foreach type in "Domestic" "Foreign" {
		reg price `rhs' if foreign=="`type'":origin, robust
		regsave using "`results'", pval autoid `replace' addlabel(rhs,"`rhs'",origin,"`type'") 
		local replace append

use "`results'", clear

The contents of the dataset, as displayed by list, look like this: Stata regsave output

We could also have saved t-statistics or confidence intervals by specifying the appropriate options. (Type help regsave at the Stata prompt to see the full set of options.)

The table() option saves results in a "wide" format that is more appropriate for creating tables. The following code runs the same regressions as above, but saves the output in table format.

* Example #2
tempfile results_tbl
sysuse auto, clear

local num = 1
local replace replace
foreach rhs in "mpg" "mpg weight" {
	foreach type in "Domestic" "Foreign" {
		reg price `rhs' if foreign=="`type'":origin, robust
		regsave using "`results_tbl'", pval autoid `replace' addlabel(rhs,"`rhs'",origin,"`type'") table(col_`num', asterisk(5 1) parentheses(stderr))
		local replace append
		local num = `num'+1

use "`results_tbl'", clear

This resulting output looks like this:

Stata regsave table output

It is often convenient to first save a set of regressions to a file using regsave and then later convert those results to a table using the regsave_tbl helper command:

* Example #3

* Load the saved results from Example #1 above
use "`results'", clear
tempfile my_table

* Convert those results to table format
local run_no = 1
local replace replace
foreach orig in "Domestic" "Foreign" {
	foreach rhs in "mpg" "mpg weight" {
		regsave_tbl using "`my_table'" if origin=="`orig'" & rhs=="`rhs'", name(col`run_no') asterisk(5 1) parentheses(stderr) `replace'
		local run_no = `run_no'+1
		local replace append

* The resulting table is identical to what was produced in Example #2 above
use "`my_table'", clear

See texsave to learn how to save this table in LaTeX format.

Update History

  • March 9, 2023

    • Fixed minor sigfig() bug that formatted some non-numbers as numbers
  • October 25, 2019

    • Added rtable option
  • January 30, 2019

    • N now stored as double/long for large datasets
  • January 26, 2019

    • Added sigfig() option
  • December 31, 2018

    • Added the help file regsave_tbl.hlp to installation package
    • Added error catching code to regsave_tbl.ado


Julian Reif
University of Illinois
[email protected]


Extract and store regression results








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