OS2loop is a question-answering system built on Drupal 9. See os2.eu/produkt/os2loop (in Danish) for more information.
Create local settings file with database connection:
cat <<'EOF' > web/sites/default/settings.local.php
$databases['default']['default'] = [
'database' => getenv('DATABASE_DATABASE') ?: 'db',
'username' => getenv('DATABASE_USERNAME') ?: 'db',
'password' => getenv('DATABASE_PASSWORD') ?: 'db',
'host' => getenv('DATABASE_HOST') ?: 'mariadb',
'port' => getenv('DATABASE_PORT') ?: '',
'driver' => getenv('DATABASE_DRIVER') ?: 'mysql',
'prefix' => '',
composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader
vendor/bin/drush --yes site:install os2loop --existing-config
vendor/bin/drush --yes locale:update
You must also build the OS2Loop theme assets; see Building assets for details.
After installing the site you should check out Configuring OS2Loop for important and useful post-install instructions.
See OS2Loop modules for a complete list of custom OS2Loop modules.
See docs/development for details on development.
docker-compose up --detach
docker-compose exec phpfpm composer install
docker-compose exec phpfpm vendor/bin/drush --yes site:install os2loop --existing-config
# Get the site url
echo "http://$(docker-compose port nginx 80)"
# Get admin sign in url
docker-compose exec phpfpm vendor/bin/drush --yes --uri="http://$(docker-compose port nginx 80)" user:login
Uses a dev version of views_flag_refresh since the module is not yet available on drupal.org
Mails are caught by MailHog and can be read on the url reported by
echo "http://$(docker-compose port mailhog 8025)"
docker-compose up --detach
symfony composer install
symfony php vendor/bin/drush --yes site:install os2loop --existing-config
# Start the server
symfony local:server:start --port=8000 --daemon
# Get the site url
echo ""
# Get admin sign in url
symfony php vendor/bin/drush --uri= user:login
We have fixtures for all content types.
To load all content type fixtures, run:
# Find and enable all fixtures modules
vendor/bin/drush --yes pm:enable $(find web/profiles/custom/os2loop/modules/ -type f -name 'os2loop_*_fixtures.info.yml' -exec basename -s .info.yml {} \;)
# Load the fixtures
vendor/bin/drush --yes content-fixtures:load
# Uninstall all fixtures modules
vendor/bin/drush --yes pm:uninstall content_fixtures
composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader
vendor/bin/drush --yes updatedb
vendor/bin/drush --yes config:import
vendor/bin/drush --yes locale:update
vendor/bin/drush --yes cache:rebuild
Import translations by running
(cd web && ../vendor/bin/drush locale:import --type=customized --override=none da profiles/custom/os2loop/translations/translations.da.po)
Export translations by running
(cd web && ../vendor/bin/drush locale:export da --types=customized > profiles/custom/os2loop/translations/translations.da.po)
Open web/profiles/custom/os2loop/translations/translations.da.po
with the
latest version of Poedit to clean up and then save the
See https://medium.com/limoengroen/how-to-deploy-drupal-interface-translations-5653294c4af6 for further details.
composer coding-standards-check
composer coding-standards-apply
docker run --volume ${PWD}:/app --workdir /app node:latest yarn install
docker run --volume ${PWD}:/app --workdir /app node:latest yarn coding-standards-check
docker run --volume ${PWD}:/app --workdir /app node:latest yarn coding-standards-apply
We use GitHub Actions to check coding standards whenever a pull request is made.
Before making a pull request you can run the GitHub Actions locally to check for any problems:
Install act
and run
act -P ubuntu-latest=shivammathur/node:focal pull_request
(cf. https://github.com/shivammathur/setup-php#local-testing-setup).
To run only twigcs:
composer coding-standards-check/twigcs
But this is also a part of
composer coding-standards-check
docker run --volume ${PWD}:/app --workdir /app node:latest yarn install
docker run --volume ${PWD}:/app --workdir /app node:latest yarn encore dev