first try of expoditor's server core with Meteor.js
- Slideshow : create/load/delete
- Slide : create/rename/move (2D)/delete
- Element texte : create/edit content with concurent access/move (2D)/delete
- Launch : jmpress or deck (but CSS sucks)
All these take benefits of Meteor super power live updating.
- Global improvement of UI with (
- Shapes
- Operationnal Transform with probably Share.js (
- Intagration with expo remote (
The project uses Google Closure in many parts. Closure files are not served by the Meteor server side, you will need a way to serve static file like. I use Google Drive ( or Dropbox via site44 ( in production and a very simple Nodejs in development. Here is the way with Nodejs :
- First install Nodejs (
apt get-install
) - Create the Jsfile found at
- Note hostname and port var which are needed by the Meteor part
- Run with
node serverFile.js
The main part of the editor is (currently) run with Meteor. You need to install it (, here are the steps :
$ curl | sh
- in a directory you love :
$ meteor create expoditor
- clone the repo : into the newly created folder (expoditor)
- install the package for user authenfication :
$ meteor add accounts-base
$ meteor add accounts-ui
- if needed, change the src for the Google Closure script base.js and all the href for the Google Closure directly in file expoditor/learning_editor.html for the hostname and port you set in serveFile.js
- run with :
$ meteor
The editor will be deployed on your localhost port 3000, you need to be connected to start using the editor, you can create a user to do so.
MongoDB exit with code 100
Meteor didn't exit properly and the lock file of MongoDB still exists. Remove it with
rm .meteor/local/db/mongod.lock