Remote Flags nodejs sdk to integrate with Public API to fetch flag status.
For more information on usage checkout our Docs page!
Install it via:
npm install remoteflags-nodejs-client --save
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:
const client = require('remoteflags-nodejs-client');
client.ApiClient.instance.authentications['RemoteFlagsAuthorizer'].apiKey = "<YOUR_API_KEY>";
const api = new client.PublicApi()
const ownerId = "<YOUR_OWNER_ID>"; // {String} OwnerID to fetch status for
const flagId = "<YOUR_FLAG_ID>"; // {String} FlagId to fetch status for
// optional parameters
const opts = {
'segment': "status", // {String} The segment to get status from. Required for multi-segment flags. For single segment flag skip this.
'key': "key_example" // {String} An identifier to be a key to associate the status with. This is used on flag which status you need to be consistent after the first random generated. For always random status behavior skip this.
api.getStatus(ownerId, flagId, opts).then(function(data) {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
}, function(error) {
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
RemoteflagsNodejsClient.PublicApi | devToggleIdOptions | OPTIONS /dev-toggle/{id} | |
RemoteflagsNodejsClient.PublicApi | get1ClickStatus | GET /dev-toggle/{id} | Get a flag status for 1 click toggle. |
RemoteflagsNodejsClient.PublicApi | getFlagUsage | GET /usage/owner/{ownerId}/flag/{flagId} | Get a flag usage data. |
RemoteflagsNodejsClient.PublicApi | getOwnerUsage | GET /usage/owner/{ownerId} | Get usage data for an owner. |
RemoteflagsNodejsClient.PublicApi | getStatus | GET /status/owner/{ownerId}/flag/{flagId} | Get a flag status. |
RemoteflagsNodejsClient.PublicApi | statusOwnerOwnerIdFlagFlagIdOptions | OPTIONS /status/owner/{ownerId}/flag/{flagId} | |
RemoteflagsNodejsClient.PublicApi | usageOwnerOwnerIdFlagFlagIdOptions | OPTIONS /usage/owner/{ownerId}/flag/{flagId} | |
RemoteflagsNodejsClient.PublicApi | usageOwnerOwnerIdOptions | OPTIONS /usage/owner/{ownerId} |
- RemoteflagsNodejsClient.Status
- RemoteflagsNodejsClient.Usage
- RemoteflagsNodejsClient.UsageRequestInner
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: authorizationToken
- Location: HTTP header