react-imp is a pluggable and easy to use imperative dialogs/callouts.
- Accessible.
- 🖊️ Customizable.
- 🪶 Lightweight.
- Easy to use.
yarn add react-imp
Basic usage
import { Imp, confirm } from "react-imp";
export default function App() {
const handleDeleteItem = () => api.deleteItem();
return (
onDelete={() =>
title: "Are you sure?",
message: "This action is irreversible. You can't go back!",
danger: true,
onConfirm: handleDeleteItem,
<Imp />
Creating reusable guards
import { confirm } from "react-imp";
export const areYouSure = (cb: () => any) => () =>
title: "Are you sure?",
message: "This action is irreversible. You can't go back!",
danger: true,
onConfirm: cb,
import { Imp } from "react-imp";
import { areYouSure } from "../imp-guards";
export default function App() {
const handleDeleteItem = () => api.deleteItem();
return (
<Item onDelete={areYouSure(handleDeleteItem)} />
<Imp />
import { confirm, alert, custom } from "react-imp";
const confirm: (props: {
title?: string | undefined;
danger?: boolean | undefined;
message?: string | undefined;
onConfirm: () => any;
onCancel?: (() => any) | undefined;
onClose?: (() => any) | undefined;
}) => void;
title: "Are you sure?",
message: "This action is irreversible. You can't go back!",
danger: true,
onConfirm: () => console.log("Confirmed"),
onCancel: () => console.log("Canceled"),
onClose: () => console.log("Closed"),
import { alert } from "react-imp";
const alert: (props: {
title?: string | undefined;
message?: string | undefined;
onClose?: (() => any) | undefined;
}) => void;
title: "Success!",
message: "Your payment has been successfully processed. We have emailed your receipt.",
onClose: () => console.log("Closed"),
const custom: (props: (item: Omit<CallerComponentProps, "props">) => React.ReactNode) => void;
custom((item) => (
Custom and <b>bold</b>
<button onClick={() => item.close()}>Close</button>
You can implement your own callers, with your own props and UI.
Below is an example of how you can implement your version of the alert and confirm.
import { createCaller } from "react-imp";
import {
} from "react-imp/dialog";
export const alert = createCaller<{
title?: string;
message?: string;
onClose?: () => any;
}>((item) => (
<Dialog open={item.isOpen} onClose={item.handleClose(onClose)}>
<DialogDismiss />
{item.props.title && <DialogTitle>{item.props.title}</DialogTitle>}
{item.props.message && <DialogBody>{item.props.message}</DialogBody>}
<PrimaryButton onClick={item.handleClose(onClose)}>Ok</PrimaryButton>
export const confirm = createCaller<{
title?: string;
message?: string;
danger?: boolean;
onConfirm?: () => any;
onCancel?: () => any;
onClose?: () => any;
}>((item) => (
<Dialog open={item.isOpen} onClose={item.handleClose(item.props.onClose)}>
<DialogDismiss />
{item.props.title && <DialogTitle>{item.props.title}</DialogTitle>}
{item.props.message && <DialogBody>{item.props.message}</DialogBody>}
<Button onClick={item.handleClose(item.props.onCancel)}>Cancel</Button>
{item.props.danger ? (
<DangerButton onClick={item.handleClose(item.props.onConfirm)}>Confirm</DangerButton>
) : (
<PrimaryButton onClick={item.handleClose(item.props.onConfirm)}>Confirm</PrimaryButton>
You can also separate the Component if you intend to build something reusable:
import { createCaller, CallerComponentProps } from "react-imp";
import { Dialog /*, ... */ } from "react-imp/dialog";
function AlertDialog(
item: CallerComponentProps<{
title?: string;
message?: string;
onClose?: () => any;
) {
return (
<Dialog open={item.isOpen} onClose={() => item.close()}>
<Button onClick={item.handleClose(item.props.onDisagree)}>Disagree</Button>
<Button onClick={item.handleClose(item.props.onAgree)} autoFocus>
// prop types inferred from AlertDialog!
export const alert = createCaller(AlertDialog);
// ^? const alert: (props: {
// title?: string | undefined;
// message?: string | undefined;
// onClose?: (() => any) | undefined;
// }) => void
If you are already using a UI library with a Dialog component, you can create your own callers using it instead of using ours.
By importing from react-imp/headless
you also reduce the bundle size by avoiding react-imp UI dependencies.
See below an example creating a caller with MUI.
import { createCaller } from "react-imp/headless";
import Button from "@mui/material/Button";
import Dialog from "@mui/material/Dialog";
import DialogActions from "@mui/material/DialogActions";
import DialogContent from "@mui/material/DialogContent";
import DialogContentText from "@mui/material/DialogContentText";
import DialogTitle from "@mui/material/DialogTitle";
export const alert = createCaller<{
title: string;
message: string;
onClose?: () => any;
}>((item) => (
<Dialog open={item.isOpen} onClose={() => item.close()}>
{item.props.title && <DialogTitle>{item.props.title}</DialogTitle>}
{item.props.message && (
<Button onClick={item.handleClose(item.props.onClose)}>Ok</Button>
You can customize the caller render if you want to.
The default render is (Component, props) => <Component {...props} />
import { Imp } from "react-imp";
export function App() {
return (
render={(Component, props) => (
<Component {...props} />
You can create different channels with different renderers to your callers.
import { Imp, createCaller } from "react-imp";
function Toast(props) {}
function Dialog(props) {}
const toast = createCaller(Toast, { channel: "toasts" });
const confirm = createCaller(Dialog, { channel: "dialogs" });
export function App() {
return (
<Imp channel="toasts" />
<Imp channel="dialogs" />
Some inspirations for the project were:
- react-hot-toast: Inspired me by their API simplicity.
- Ariakit: Learned a lot from Ariakit to build the Dialog component and all its a11y concerns.
© renatorib, Released under the MIT License.