There are some times I try to implement basic algorithms, and keep them here.
sorting: to implement a simple version of quick sort.
InversionCounter: to count the inversions of a given array, which use a similar way of merge sort.
I learn this from the course [Algorithms: Design and Analysis, Part 1 at]
step 1. another implement of the quick sort algorithm, an exercise
from the course [Algorithms: Design and Analysis, Part 1 at]
step 2. to compute the total number of comparisons used to sort the given array, and the number of comparisons depends on which elements are chosen as pivots; at 2014/8/25. Qt+pySide: drag&drop buttons; at 2014/8/25. Qt+pySide: custom define the style sheet of a button.
glExample mainTexExample.cpp at 2015/7 simple example to use texture.
svgDemo at 2016/3/26, qt, svg, graphics view.