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Device Setup

reneboer edited this page Apr 12, 2020 · 9 revisions

Now the activities you want to control via your Vera have been set-up, you need create and configure the controls for devices. The controls for these devices are known as Child Devices as they are under control of the main (parent) Harmony Hub Control device. The child devices created will match to a device configured on your Harmony Hub. For each child device you can configure up to 25 buttons that will send a command to that device.


Go to the Devices tab. In the drop down you can select one, several, or all your Harmony devices. For each selected device, a child device will be created. To select multiple devices use Ctrl-click. Remember to hold the Ctrl-key if you want to add a device later.

When you have configured a Philips Hue bridge on your Harmony, any configured lamps will show in the second drop down. Select the lamps you want to control. The lamps will have a matching Light child device created.

When Create child devices embedded is yes, the child devices will show in the same room as the main Harmony Hub Control device.

When you change the room of a child device, the child device will get recreated again in the same room as the parent, and you will lose its button definitions! This will also happen when changing the Create child devices embedded setting. So set this as needed before getting to the next step.

After clicking Save Changes, your Vera will reload several times. This is normal behavior when adding or removing child devices.

For each child device you can configure Buttons just as for the main device. Each Button is mapped to a command of the Harmony Device the child device is created for. For an Activity Child device you can also select any Button Sequences you defined for the activity in your Harmony setup. The sequences for the activity will show at the end of the drop down list.

Device Settings

You can specify how many seconds the button should be held down. Click is just that, and a Press in seconds simulates holding the button for that number of seconds. The max is five seconds. This is normally more than sufficient for Volume Up or Down. Test the duration setting after changing it as it is difficult to estimate the exact effect.

After you specified all commands you want a button for, click Save Changes. You Vera will reload to pickup the changes to the static JSON file. Then reload your browser. On openLuup no luup reload is done, just reload your browser. A child device will now show like below on the Vera Devices screen.

Device Buttons

Below is an example of a Lamp child device created. The standard Vera light control definitions are used. This means you can control them via the Vera mobile apps.

Lamp device

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