is a website that showcases great games made by the community of this implies categorization and search of these games, but we also wish to offer additional capabilities such as leaderboard systems, identity management, and / or multiplayer apis.
the project is in early development. if you have a suggestion, feel free to add one. or, chat about this project real-time on the discord server.
git clone
cd carnival
yarn install
# lerna bootstrap
yarn bootstrap
# runs `yarn dev` in for both `./client` and `./server` folders
yarn dev
# as an alternative to `yarn dev`, you can build and serve the frontend statically
# only do this if you are not yourself making code changes to the client and you
# want to save on system resources.
make setup-additional
cd server && yarn dev
- if you are using vscode, ensure you have the editorconfig, prettier, stylelint, eslint, and vetur extensions; we have project-specific
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