It seems like one repository for each model seem like a better idea. A few pointers before you start making a repository for your own project.
- A model repository should contain the UCI file and associated WDM files.
- WDM files can be large and GitHub doesn't like files >100 MB. Use 7z and zip files to 7z format using maximum compression. This will significantly bring down the size of the file.
- Make sure that git ignores the wdm files when syncing.
- Additionally, make sure that git ignores all the binary files, echo files, out files, and pltgen files. These files are produced every run and there is no point syncing them.
- Additional files that should accompany a release are EXS file(s), graph specification files, and a report that may be in PDF or word format. PDF files of maps, and/or GIS files of map will be super useful.
- When you are at a stage that you think that your model is final. Create a release with a version number and add as many details as you can. The release will contain all the files upto that point.
- When and if you modify the model due to any reason, create a new release.