Example or Demo
/* Input */
i {
backgroung-image: image-set(url(bg.webp) 196dpi);
a {
border-image: image-set(url(border.webp) 1.5x);
dd {
backgroung: #fff image-set(url(bg.webp) 1x, url(bg-lg.webp) 2x); /* skiped */
/* Output */
i {
backgroung-image: image-set(
url([email protected]) 1x,
url([email protected]) 1.5x,
url(bg.webp) 2x
a {
border-image: image-set(url([email protected]) 1x, url([email protected]) 1.5x);
dd {
backgroung: #fff image-set(url(bg.webp) 1x, url(bg-lg.webp) 2x); /* skiped */
This plugin add postcss function for image-set
This function checks if only one argument was passed to it, it automatically makes thumbnails of the images according to the sizes previously set.
You must specify only one picture of the largest size and specify for which pixelity pixel it is used
- Node v6+
- C++11 compatible compiler such as gcc 4.8+, clang 3.0+ or MSVC 2013+
and its dependencies (includes Python)
yarn add postcss-image-set-generator
# or
npm install postcss-image-set-generator
Demo how it work look on this repo demo-modern-images-usage-css
In Gulp you can use [gulp-postcss] with postcss-image-set-generator
npm package.
gulp.task("autoprefixer", function() {
const postcss = require("gulp-postcss");
const sourcemaps = require("gulp-sourcemaps");
const generatoRrr = require("postcss-image-set-generator");
return gulp
.pipe(postcss([generatoRrr(/* options */)]))
const { readFileSync, writeFileSync } = require("fs");
const { resolve } = require("path");
const postcss = require("postcss");
const generatoRrr = require("postcss-image-set-generator");
const options = {
from: resolve(__dirname, "./assets/css/style.css"),
to: resolve(__dirname, "./assets/css/style.dist.css")
const { from, to } = options;
.use(generatoRrr(/* options */))
.process(readFileSync(from), options)
.then(result => writeFileSync(to, result.css));
type : Array
, default: [1, 1.5, 2, 3]
List supported scale images
type : String
, default: @x
Miniature images naming <name><suffix><scale>.<ext>
Example: icon-star.webp
-> [email protected]
type: String
, default: x
Available Values dpi || dppx || x