This repository provide knowledge test environment consul cluster. Contains three api backend node with balance traffic between that.
You must prepend install Docker Desktop.
git clone
cd consul-cluster
cp .env.dist .env
docker-compose up -d
Use your browser for view UI Consul interface on localhost:8585
# List all members of cluster
docker-compose exec proxy consul members
Use your browser for view work api backend balance localhost
Hello, visitor! This first node
Hello, visitor! This second node
Hello, visitor! This third node
Kill one of the nodes and you will feel freedom from the downtime of the share of your users.
docker-compose stop node_second
Consul Template instantly changes config of nginx and output is only first or second node without 5xx error.
Hello, visitor! This first node
Hello, visitor! This third node
After restore second node it will be again added to config nginx.