Random character generator based on real life statistics
Table of Contents
###Why does this exist?
Representation of minorities in the media (or lack thereof) is a real and serious problem. This site is a tool for writers who would rather be a part of the solution than the problem.
###What does the project do?
This website randomly generates characters with a list of traits according to their actual likelihood. So, for instance, around half of the characters generated by the site will be female.
###Why are there so few sexual orientations and gender identities represented?
The best statistics we found included only A/Bi/Hetero/Homo-sexuality and Cis/Trans-genderism. If you know of more comprehensive surveys, please let us know.
###What do the different body types actually mean?
We used the definition given by the CDC, which is based on BMI.
###How did you deal with correlation between different traits?
We mostly didn't deal with that at all. Instead, we assumed that each trait was independent from each other trait. The result of that is that the representation of trait combinations might be skewed (too many male bisexuals, perhaps), but the representation of each individual trait will be correct. Obviously we would have liked to take correlation into account, but we don't have statistics on everything.
###Which statistics are you using?
Here is a list of our sources:
- Human sex ratio worldwide (2015)
- Human sex ratio in the US (2015)
- Race in the US (2010)
- LGBT statistics in the US (2011)
- Asexuality in the US (2010)
- Body size in the US (some navigation required) (2012)
- Blindness worldwide (2014)
- Blindness in the US (2013)
- Deafness worldwide (2015)
- Deafness in the US
- Country populations (2008-2016, and no, we didn't verify the source for each country.)
- Handedness worldwide (2009)
- Ambidexterity (linked journal article is pay-blocked) (2010)
Favicon and navicons were generated using Twitter Twemoji