Discord bot for 2b2t data and statistics, powered by api.2b2t.vc
Invite link: bot.2b2t.vc
-> Configures a live chat feed channel in your server/liveconnections
-> Configures a live join/leave feed channel in your server/queue
-> Shows 2b2t's current queue lengths and ETA/seen
-> When a player was last and first seen on 2b2t/chats
-> Prints a player's chat history/connections
-> Prints a player's join/leave history/deaths
-> Prints a player's death history/deathsmonth
-> Leaderboard for top deaths in the last 30 days/kills
-> Prints a player's kill history/killsmonth
-> Leaderboard for top kills in the last 30 days/playtime
-> Gets a player's total playtime/playtimetop
-> Leaderboard for all time top playtime on 2b2t/playtimemonth
-> Leaderboard for top playtime in the last 30 days/tablist
-> Prints all online players right now on 2b2t/data
-> Dumps all data on a player as a CSV file/priodata
-> Dumps a JSON list of all players who currently have priority queue (probably)/stats
-> Prints a player's stats on 2b2t